Is King Charles III the “ONE”?

Following the strange/seductive pomp/pageantry of yesterday the internet has been unsurprisingly lit up with talk about Charles being the Antichrist…

I don’t think many are unaware that the global collective mind has for centuries held a belief that a great world leader would one day arise to either “fix” or “destroy” the world depending on who you ask…

Morpheus viewed it as a savior type…
done its over GIF

Tolkien viewed it as a destroyer type…
sauron GIF

The belief systems of the world too hold a view of a coming ONE…
The Judeo-Christian West awaits a MESSIAH…the Islamic Middle East awaits a MAHDI…the Far East/New Age awaits a MAITREYA…and the non-metaphysical materialistic Transhumanist crowd awaits a Singularity that will produce a long sought Superman or UBERMENSCH…clearly…the collective consciousness of the globe across the full spectrum is awaiting the arrival of a “ONE” that will arise and lead mankind forward…

It appears undeniable that the worlds leaders including the new king are actively working towards and seeking out this “ONE” that will assist them in bringing about their global utopia…


“We do not want another committee, we have too many already. What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all people, and to lift us out of the economic morass into which we are sinking. Send us such a man, and be he god or devil, we will receive him.” Paul-Henri Spaak Principal Architect of the EU


A brief summation of the Evangelical Christian view:

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no eric. Charles is not the ‘one’. not nearly close.

in fact he spoke about the ‘one’, or ‘him’ when ‘he’ comes, a few years before. some of us remember.

but Charles being the ‘ONE’?! come on, sure u got better jokes!

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When it’s God’s time, whatever chew toy of evil that’s laying around will be used as ‘the one’.

I think you may have misinterpreted my thought process…I actually agree with you…the point I’m trying to make is not that he is the one which he most assuredly is not…but that the expectation for a “ONE” is a universally old one and appears to be moving towards a day of manifestation :+1:

To be fair, this statue of him is pretty evocative.

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Is that Charles? I can’t see it well…then again he does seem to admit to be related to ol’ Vlad the Impaler :joy:

Yeah that’s him, I believe it’s in Brazil where he’s viewed as an environmental savior !

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It is interesting and telling how so much of the great reset zeitgeist centers around the environment…when you situate it within the framework of this post about the coming of this superhuman “ONE” and then segue it into another hyper strange phenomenon then it takes on a whole new vista…

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I mean the environment and our biology, when wishing to generate fear, those are the biggies. Sprinkle some aliens on top and there you have it. (Almost) total control through fear.


Hogwash is hogwash when contemplating most any narrative presented in world history.

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@uintatom Pretty much. A few other repeatedly hyped-up threats might work, as long as they’re imminent, existential, and can happen everywhere/anywhere – asteroids, for instance.


Some think William is a better candidate. This seems to be based of a photo of him holding a lamb, much the same way as Jesus is portrayed.

There is also the dress Kate wore when leaving hospital with baby George. Its is exactly the same as the Mia Farrow had in Rosemary’s Baby.

Things that make you go hmm - or not.

William and Kate would definitely be better marketing material for preserving the monarchy.

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Just had to throw this one in here. :joy: Solid proof as they tend to say

Guess you know where we learned to be suspect of history. GRH

Yep GRH had a pre-STEM and an Advanced Placement program way before it was popular. The Superintendent of Schools, Dr Bernard, was old school and made sure the curriculum and teachers hired taught the students to question and how to learn.

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Is he willing to arm wrestle Obama for the title?

I know who I’d place my bets on in that match up.

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