Is our geoengineered weather controlled by AI?

As one who watches geostationary satellite data daily on both NOAA and NASA websites (each has pros and cons), I long ago became convinced that weather across the world was not occurring naturally. Signs of airborne aerosol dispersal and electromagnetic radiation are obvious along with resulting effects on cloud and water vapor formation and storm duration, direction and intensity. Add to that decades of first-hand observation of skies above and decades of reading incessant climate change propaganda pieces. It is likely being done by multiple world powers; whether individually or by collaboration is speculative. No matter, as the end result has been disastrous for the environment and deadly for humanity.

Prediction alone of natural weather would require a great deal of computing power as the earth is quite large and there are innumerable variables. It seems logical that AI would be employed to better learn all the nuances and interactions from let’s say, coastal Vancouver Island and the Seychelles to Gibraltar and South Korea. That would include measurements of coronal mass ejections, volcanic eruptions and jet streams positions, etc. AI seems very well suited to observe and then predict weather worldwide.

Several years ago I watched a video in which a computer-controlled car on closed looped track taught itself to drive. Each time it ran off the pavement, it learned from the “mistake” and resumed driving. After a series of failures, it finally learned how to navigate the entire track flawlessly and at a higher speed. That now-simple demonstration was my first observation of “AI.” Now we see articles about AI becoming so powerful that it could soon control mankind.

Despite what geoengineering-deniers say about this all being just normal cycles of bad weather, I believe storms and droughts have become increasingly more frequent, more severe and more unusual in their behaviors and patterns.

My question: Is geoengineered weather now controlled by AI?


I’m sure somebody somewhere is messing around by combining the two. It would appear that while AI forecasting is much faster and cheaper, it’s still not as accurate.

Of course, the World Economic Forum has to get in on it too. No surprise there.
“This research was funded by the US Office of Naval Research and a Department of Defense graduate fellowship.”


Interesting thought. I have wondered quite a bit about who is making the chem trail deployment calls over any give area at different times .I could see AI informing geoengineered weather decisions. It seems within the realm of possibility that AI could also subsequently guide decisions around deployment of Haarp type facilities , airtanker deployment and airline company participation.

It could certainly be used to coordinate the tactics you mentioned. However, if the initial data is flawed then the final outcomes could easily go awry, but then, that would give them even more data to play with. Their ‘experiment’ would then continue unabated as long as the funding keeps rolling in. That’s how the military industrial complex works so why not weather predicting? After all, the weather can be used in warfare too. I wish they’d just help out the farmers and leave everything else alone. I know, I’m dreaming.

“…airline company participation.”

If I remember correctly, an additive(s) was added to jet fuel under the guise of a fuel system anti-icing agent. This way, airlines would be participating without even knowing it.
From 1968: “The net effect of this would be further to reduce the heating of the earth, and blue skies might become a rarity.”

There had been a video circulating a few years ago where Brian Pallister, at that time the Premier of Manitoba, had responded to a reporter asking him why ivermectin was not being made available.

Pallister responded first in a very vague manner emphasizing the importance of the pharmaceutical industry to Manitoba’s economy and then made the following statement

“I want to thank the people in charge for making that rain available, keep up the great work.” -

The rain saved that years crops Unfortunately he provided no hints as to who the people are that are in charge. I just checked and it appears the video has been removed from the Internet.