Is this a lying dog-face pony soldier

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Whatever it is, it probably thrives on attentionā€¦ what we might, in the UK, call a ā€œwrongā€™unā€ :man_facepalming:

I wondered where the resident of USSA got that wording when he called someone that and I guess now I know. Supposedly the whole military are full of these ā€œpupsā€ and since the military is so ā€œwokeā€ now, itā€™s no big secret. This Colonel was dressed in full uniform on duty with this ā€œpupā€ mask on so I guess thereā€™s no more respect anywhere anymore. Weā€™re surely going somewhere in a hand basket. I will now never look at the military the same way when it comes to PTSD. How many young men found out when they enlisted would have to deal with this crap.


This actually goes way back to ancient, even antediluvian times. Native American Indians also used the term ā€œdog soldierā€.
Supposedly the cult began after warriors from Sirius, who actually were dog-headed, shot this place up.



@WuWu thank you very much for this video. I found it very interesting which led me to another video that Iā€™ve just watched. Always discovering and learning here.

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Well, lycos-worship was practiced, unlawfully, in ancient Rome, and involved the sacrificing of children( especially young boys) on a fire. They even had their own sacred mountaintop(s).

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Thereā€™s truly nothing new under the sun. Thanks @WuWu.