Israel—2023 “I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse

Hi, beaver!! As I told you, I am now 79 years old…70 of those years was spent within the Biblical Mindset Belief System. My Father was a Baptist Minister so I was raised within a very strict Biblical Mindset!! It was after a lifetime of experience within that community & realizing something was not “quite right” about it all, my Journey of Discovery began about age 70!! That is why I was so relieved when Mauro Biglino’s book came out!! :partying_face: FINALLY! I had the answers to what made no sense to me before!! I had already come to the conclusion that The Bible had been one of the best tools in The Toolbox of The Controllers!! One is free to believe whatever one wishes; adhere to whatever Belief System one chooses. I was just happy to have received answers to questions I had had for a long time!! We each have to come to our conclusions, but a correct translation of The Old Testament would go a long ways to explaining many inconsistencies! Mauro plainly demonstrates that the “God” of the O.T. is NOT The Creator of All…which was a great relief to me!! We each are on our own Path & all paths are not the same. :two_hearts:

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Understand. Appreciate the explanation & respect your feelings.
I, on the other hand, have chosen not to throw it all out the window and glad I didn’t.


Hi, M-ville
I have always been free to explore in my life – I have never been locked into bibliolatry. Though your suggested book did not meet my standards for referenced scholarship, I am glad you are, at last, freed to explore and question your own faith. My God’s shoulders have always been big enough to handle my questions. I wish you the same. Alicia

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I encourage you to read several books of dr. Farrell on the Yahweh subject. Things are not as plain and easy as in Mauro translation, since there are more than one God descriptions in Old Testament.


Questions: Does bible say anything about not sharing the land with other occupants of this small land? I do believe that LORD Rothschild by using American finances has blessed us all. In fact, we are still paying American Tax dollars in form of aids to Israel. Even after all of the blood and money US taxpayers endured, our economy seems to be fading away! I think the blessings have stopped! I would much rather see this money spend on our own people in my country, USA, to help poverty. We the people of USA need to bless our own people as other countries should do the same.

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I sure agree with that but need to be careful as we withdraw funds from other areas. First to go should be Lobbyists. ALL of them.


Humanity is killing its own Spirit thru gnostic techniques visible externally mainly today thru scientism. Sad part is, many of us like to finance it too. In that vein one can quibble all day long where to put or not put money or tauting every discussion has the same intrinsic value, without ever touching the root problem!

I feel this forum side has largely emigrated to the amicable “quibble” part and the interesting persons discussing root problems have mostly left and or grace us with very sporadic visits.


It would be so beneficial if Bible could be re-translated from Phoenician Hebrew back to English and include the missing books in it. It appears the King James version could have mistranslated few things :slight_smile: . I think,Sitchin did the Genesis Revisited, but not the entire bible as we know it. There is so much encoded messages that is worth knowing. I will have to put this on my Christmas Wish List.

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I look at the letters between the founding fathers, and you see clearly they didn’t care about political parties or lobbyists. In fact, the only party listed in our constitution is “we the people”! So, I agree with you, but the rabbit hole is deep and dark. Our country comes first. The central bank doesn’t answer to us. Unfortunately, the world as we know it is too far gone.

Don’t give up hope…There is a whole New Beginning happening!! If we all focus our thoughts on the Positive, it will happen because we are Powerful Beings!! I look at all the Conferences being held countrywide bringing such people together. This is being built from the bottom up!! Get involved locally, as C.A. Fitts so ably tells us!! :partying_face:

Yes it did… but I am principally concerned with the NEW Testament. IN any case, the philosophy of translation itself is also important, and the KJV and modern versions follow two very different philosophies.


If you write it, translate it, I will buy it and read it like there is no tomorrow. :slight_smile: If anyone can attempt to do it, it would be you sir… At list in my world. :slight_smile:

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I know the forces we are dealing with are “long term planners”. They have been doing this for centuries (at list the time line known to us). They create problems, they will react and finally present people with a solution. They are walking us through fire, and at the end we will have one choice, aka “Hope”. What that choice would be is yet to be seen. I suspect we will end up choosing between fire and deception of hope. We should not let our guards down.

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There were thousands of papyrus Greek scrolls discovered after 1881 that helped with some of the more recent translations of the New Testament original Greek, such as for the 1961 New English version.


Each of us can only deal with our personal situations & we each have our own sphere of influence, however small!! We can’t sit around thinking someone else is coming to “save” us…we have to save ourselves; bottom up…not top down!! :wink:

I agree with you. Very true, indeed.

The “New International” 1973 translation is a lot different than the 1961 New English, here in Acts #24.25

NIV: "As Paul talked about righteousness, self-control, and the judgement to come, Felix was afraid and said, “That’s enough for now! You may leave. When I find it convenient, I will send for you.”

NE: "But when the discourse turned to questions of morals, self-control, and the coming judgement, Felix became alarmed and exclaimed, ‘That will do for the present; when I find it convenient I will send for you again.’

Overall these may not look that different, but it can lead to significantly different interpretations the way words are translated. Adding the words “righteousness” and “afraid” are significant departures from the New English translation.

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Hi B, I think Paul was cutting it a little too close to home for Felix. :dove:

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Yeah, and Felix wasn’t even his given name.

KJ uses the word righteousness too:

“And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgement to come, Felix trembled, and answered, Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee.”

So New English was most generous to Felix, and neither of these new translations say anything about him trembling!

This is completely different to say someone “was alarmed” as opposed to being afraid or trembling.

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