@ColonelZ This is not aimed at you, personally, Colonel but, Netanyahu is a disgusting liar just like the vast majority of all politicians. When will American Christians wake-up and quit following this mess?
Ab Yisrael have no fear
Moschiach will be here this year
Hal Lindsey ? I’d be careful reading anything from him. He seems pretty controlled, advancing rapture doctrine etc.
And additionally, as I’ve pointed out ANY NUMBER OF TIMES Colonel Z, this dispensensatonalist interpretation of Scripture is a mockery of Christ and the Incarnation…if you understand that central tenet of the Christian faith, then EVERYTHING changes, INCLUDING those blessing and curse verses and to whom they actually apply… POsting such stuff on my website, while you’re free to do, certainly does not sit well with me when I’ve made this point abundantly clear.
I think that @ColonelZ post these articles just to stirrup a discussion on the forum board. Nothing wrong with that. The more voices the merrier. At least that’s the way I see it.
Discussion is everything here! I’m always all ears to anyone’s opinion and enjoy the pros and cons!!
I certainly did not mean to preclude the post… in fact, I stated clearly that one is free to discuss anything. That said, realize that :“It is finished” MEANS “It is FINISHED”…
I believe so, too, Joseph.
For me, this is why I see dispensational as heretical:
As the Bride of Christ, we, His Body, have become the Temple of the Living God, indwelt by His Holy Spirit, through the sacraments. . . .
A false sanctity, a re-building of a Jerusalem-styled temple made with hands (for the fornication-earth-born Antichrist to rule) seeks to nullify and altogether belie our Lord’s finished work – where Love Eternal once for all penetrated Time: His Virgin-born incarnation through Holy Mary, His Crucifixion- Sinless Blood Atonement, His Resurrection, Ascension and Promised Return. He prepares now a place for us to be with Him and His Father. He returns for us visibly, in the heavens for all the world to see, (no time for last minute reports or posts, then): as lightning from the east shines unto the west, thus will be the coming of the Son of Man. The Spirit and the Bride say, Come, Lord Jesus. This Love story is Our longing for Him, and His for us.
Amen… and very well and aptly stated! Thank you. American evangelicalism has a LOT to answer for by pushing all the dispensationalist nonsense, as does Calvinism for its own versions of it…
Good early morning. I hope you’re okay; religion and politics, we know how this goes. Since the subject is alive and stirring, I’m going to drop a couple of bombs here.
I finally found a YT series that reflects my own personal investigation into these prophecies. I’m nowhere near finished looking up all the references but it’s very compelling. You might find this interesting. It is not an EOC interpretation. Take it for what you will.
P.S. Esp. interesting is the 2nd video, beginning min. 21:00.
A Must Read for anyone acquainted with the Biblical Mindset is Hebrew Scholar, Mauro Biglino’s book, “The Gods of The Bible”. Due to incorrect translation of key words in the Old Testament we have come away with a skewed version of the O.T. stories!! During this time of The Great Awakening, his book is one of the “keys” to unlocking how the Human Race became a subdued race, not realizing our full potential!!
I’ve read the book. Like many others, it just poses more questions and doesn’t address many pertinent issues. Not a big fan. The ‘incorrect translation of key words’ might not quite be the correct description. There’s much more to be considered here, much of it probably before our very eyes, yet, we refuse to acknowledge it. Islam plays a very big role in OT/NT prophecies, IMO and it’s in our face.
The “God” of the Old Testament is NOT the Creator of All, but one is free to worship whatever “being” one wants to!! We have been brainwashed for centuries by those who have successfully controlled The Masses!!
So tell that to the Antichrist and see how much freedom the masses are given.
How many years have you studied The Bible?
With a Strong’s? Multiple translations?
It’s kind of important.
Why does it not matter if we received a correct translation of the book we have based our entire Belief System on??? I strongly suggest Hebrew Scholar, Mauro Biglino’s book “The Gods of The Bible” for a clearer understanding of what the Old Testament stories are about.