Israel Anderson. Loves Jesus (Yeshua). Sees Christianity as taught/Catholicism as Roman cult.
Takes Sitchin and moves it forward (his words).
some TLDR; Old bible head, turned by Sitchin/archeology story in Sumer/Gobekli etc. Thinks the “pinecone” was a telomere/nutrient offering effectively eternal life. Does a good bit of work here having Elohim (gods) be responsible for creation 1 and Yahweh as responsible for creation 2. Sees Pentateuch as written by Yahweh. Enki=Jesus/Yeshua and Enlil=Yahweh/Satan. ANU/flying disc/as Jesus’ (and his brother’s) Father. Old law based dispute on who gets to control earth. Was run by Yeshua but Enlil pulled rank (around time of flood - beginning of what WE consider known human civilization history) and has been running stuff since. Jews agree.
Read the book, The 12th Planet by Zechariah Sitchin.
Read in the Bible:
Job 1-2 & 28. (Oldest book in the Bible)
Genesis 1-3.
Psalm 82.
John – with these 5 questions in mind. What did Jesus say about: 1. Himself. 2. His father. 3. Where he came from. 4. What he came to do. 5. What will soon happen. Read seeking the answer to this question:
Who is Jesus in the Annunaki Pantheon of gods?