Israel Anderson: Fleshing out the Yeshua as Enki and Yahweh as Enlil/Satan idea

Israel Anderson. Loves Jesus (Yeshua). Sees Christianity as taught/Catholicism as Roman cult.
Takes Sitchin and moves it forward (his words).

some TLDR; Old bible head, turned by Sitchin/archeology story in Sumer/Gobekli etc. Thinks the “pinecone” was a telomere/nutrient offering effectively eternal life. Does a good bit of work here having Elohim (gods) be responsible for creation 1 and Yahweh as responsible for creation 2. Sees Pentateuch as written by Yahweh. Enki=Jesus/Yeshua and Enlil=Yahweh/Satan. ANU/flying disc/as Jesus’ (and his brother’s) Father. Old law based dispute on who gets to control earth. Was run by Yeshua but Enlil pulled rank (around time of flood - beginning of what WE consider known human civilization history) and has been running stuff since. Jews agree.

Read the book, The 12th Planet by Zechariah Sitchin.
Read in the Bible:
Job 1-2 & 28. (Oldest book in the Bible)
Genesis 1-3.
Psalm 82.
John – with these 5 questions in mind. What did Jesus say about: 1. Himself. 2. His father. 3. Where he came from. 4. What he came to do. 5. What will soon happen. Read seeking the answer to this question:
Who is Jesus in the Annunaki Pantheon of gods?


Yahweh is not Satan. Satan is Baal and is the iconography of the era of the Taurus.
An era of human sacrifice, child abuse, and debauchery. There things are usually done during fertility cults.

Each zodiac age lasts 2,160 years. The age of Taurus ended with the flood. To abolish its practices and begin the new era of pisces on fresh grounds, the iconography of the bull has been portrayed as that of evil. Satan, the enemy of mankind

Human sacrifice, cannibalism, promiscuity festivals etc have been banned under the new divine auspices. So did usury.

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Check out Hebrew Scholar, Mauro Biglino’s book, “Gods of The Bible”!! My conclusion has been that The Bible has been one of the best con jobs ever pulled by The Controllers. This coming from a Baptist Preacher’s daughter should tell you something!! The mind control has worked for centuries!! I was one of them, so I know!! :wink:


This theory makes absolutely no sense. For the simple reason of Time. Enlil and Enki are from at least 4 thousand years ago. There is a Resurrected God myth throughout history, yes, Osiris, Odin, Jesus, but Jesus came about in writings and speech when we recorded him, around the year ‘0’ , 2 thousand years ago. He was an avatar or even enlightened man of God but was thousands of years after Enlil and Enki.

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i’ve not got the timeline sorted in my own head but

his argument as i understand it is
enlil and enki are brother gods. effectively to our comprehension, eternal. jesus didn’t appear out of nothing in year zero, that’s just the naming convention he was stuck with when the romans finished their collation into the bible, he’d been in all the stories told as enki and quetzalcoatl (and and and).

I have been greatly blessed by reading the more complete version of The Life of Jesus in The Urantia Book. We in the West just accepted that The Bible is THE Word of God because we were told so. What is sad about this is that we never even received a correct translation! When one recognizes that the “God” of the Old Testament is NOT the Creator of All the O.T. stories begin to make a lot more sense. Anglican Priest Paul A. Wallis has travelled down this path after 30 years in the Ministry. He has written an “Eden” series of books describing his Journey!

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I have (somewhat out of laziness, somewhat out of autism) kept myself mostly ignorant of the Bible. Before now.

Following a course from Graham Hancock → our dear leader Dr Farrell → Sitchin → side tours with the Genesis 6 Conspiracy, Lady Babylon, Israel Anderson.
I now have just enough info to be dangerous.

I like:

  1. “independent researchers who view reality with a divergent thinking approach”
  2. the “all these ancient stories seem to tell a very parallel and congruent narrative”
  3. the unanswered megaliths/archeology/time guesses with places like gobelki tepe and sumer

Yes I was unaware of Marcionites (CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Marcionites) and of Mauro Biglino’s work (great!) and Paul Wallis ( also mentioned here.

I really enjoyed this summation of Biglino’s main book by Biglino himself, hosted on Hancock’s site.


Woo-Hoo!!! :boom: Congrats!! Now I am tackling The Urantia Book…most people have never heard of it. It was a revelation given in the 1920’s to an intelligent group of people in Chicago. The last part given is a more complete version of the Life of Jesus, which I have already read. Most interesting! Coming from the Bible Belt Mentality, I had a lot of questions! My Guides have been guiding me to the answers!

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Are you saying yhvh is ialdaboth ?

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I would suggest Hebrew Scholar Mauro Biglino’s book, “The Gods of The Bible”. Various other ‘elohim’ are mentioned in the Old Testament, which means that the “God” of the O.T. is not the Creator of All. It seems we have been misled by “tradition”!

Yes I got that from your previous post, to rephrase my question ,since you mentioned that yhvh is not the OT God, then, ipso facto, can you tell me ‘who’ is?

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In 1989 engineer and scientist Maurice Cotterell found a way of calculating the duration of long-term magnetic reversals on the Sun. Using this knowledge he was able to break the codes of ancient sun-worshipping civilizations, first the Mayas of Central America, those of Tutankhamun of Egypt, and the Viracochas’ of South America, before cracking the codes of the Terracotta Warriors of China and the European Celts.

His research explains how our 28-day spinning Sun regulates fertility in females and how it determines personality of the foetus in the womb [sun-sign astrology]. It explains how the Sun causes schizophrenia, how mobile phones and overhead power lines cause cancer and how VDU’s [TV and computer screens] cause miscarriages. And it explains how the Sun brings periodic catastrophic destruction to Earth every few thousand years.

His own unique decoding process reveals amazing pictures from archaeological treasures that explain the spiritual mysteries of life; why we are born, why we die and why this has to be.

His work, best described as ‘adventure fact’ brings together modern science, spirituality and ancient wisdom to unlock the secrets of the past and the science of the future

Watched quite a few of his YouTube video and one book to map my life over the last few years.
It’s been quite revealing just to notice which way the heard is moving, is it the Morphogenic Field or our Conductor/Musician?


The correct translation is “gods”…plural…not what we read as “God”…singular. I guess my point is, these “gods” are not the Creator of All as we have been led to believe over the life of what we call The Bible.

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Thank you for sharing that, had never heard of him! It’s exciting to keep learning, isn’t it?! :boom: