Israel Stood Down On October 7th, Warns Military Expert Michael Yon


This was a setup, especially after considering the troop transfers to the north that left the door wide open. That this is even discussed seriously is perhaps the biggest Israeli propaganda victory.

Yet here we are, months later, being forced to take sides in a genocidal farce without any ‘good guys’. We have been expertly played.

The finale comes when Palestinians board U.S. ships for America. Israel steals all the land and exports their nominal enemies to the nation they would destroy.

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Yep, America helped the Jews occupy and steal Palestine, now that the Palestine folks have been run out of their homeland, we expect them to happily assimilate into their enemy’s camp? What are the “doplimats” smoking and sniffing?

Some Gazans slated to be shipped (literally) to U.S.
Once this is done, I hypothesize US/Israel will continue to build out coastline there.

Highest and best use of the land…the zoning board has spoken and taken action.



Dont look here:

look over there.

Think of our mutual history teacher at Green River High.

Mr. Thompson? Yep he wanted me to take his political science class but it interfered with the computer classes at WWC. I enjoyed his teaching so did well in class.
What year did you graduate?

They’re sniffing glue, and waiting for their end-times reward.

Not everyone gets a reward.