Israel to test for covid-19 using non-invasive eye exam

Israel to test for COVID-19 using non-invasive eye exam



“The world needs new diagnostic tools to help assess aggressive viruses in a non-invasive manner with speed and efficiency,” said Raanan Gefen, chief technology officer of AdOM Advanced Optical Technologies.


That is interesting.

Did anyone wonder why Israel (fairly smart and tech savvy nation) went all in on the mRNA vaccines?

My theory is there is a strong Jewish presence in some of the pharma companies and many of the employees drank the kool aid and believed in the technology. Arrogance and greed stopped a diversity of people from going in reverse on implementation midstream. I think a course correction will occur and this will be valuable for the

I hope people know when I love a file, it means I’m thankful for the info. But of course this makes sense in a biosurveillance state. Well we got to get more surveillance cuz we all use masks now, mmm… imagine Dr. Evil with his pinky finger. I’m ready. I know I’m a candidate for the camps, I could never function in Dr. Skinners hive mind world, and I’ll be damned if they take my soul, put it in a robot and launch me off to Mars as their slaves. They thought this crap would sound good to people? Israeli citizens are now standing up thank God, more and more. It’s sad to see a people so recently weathered by a genocide, mind numbingly accept the nazi methods that sought to destroy them. I guess Israel on its 4th boosta and still can’t stop this casedemic. Speaking of which Ilhana David who was on Del Bigtrees channel started a real grassroots movement in Israel. This article makes me want to look her up again and see how her movements growing. I hope it’s like the rest of the West where the majority is no longer being silenced. They’ve tarred and feathered us so much, Old words like racist, bigot and laddie is wearing off.

I do. The Orthodox base is now just dealing with the secular movement in the Jewish community the once majority nativist whites went through about thirty years ago with the secular message gaining traction. There’s great strength in racial hegemony, but it’s great weakness is trust in their representative government. Here in the West, we already hip to secular occupation by about thirty to forty years. We have a reflection point. The Orthodox jews, particularly the Ashkenazi never had their own country until recently to recognize ideological assaults the way Europeans in the West or Eastern Europeans do. I think the citizenry got cushy with the blood representation and comfortable with the idea their government and their own deepstate has had their interests in both settlements, wars and foreign diplomacy. They don’t see the secular assault on their community yet. They’re behind the times, speaking to the citizenry. However, the ultra Orthodox community has been standing up from the beginning recognizing the parallels between the biosurveillance state and nazi Germany. In fact it’s quite sad that Israel was ground zero for the mRNA vaccine and once jewish organizations like the ADL went full secular on the Israeli citizenry.

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