Israeli Retaliatory Strike on Iran Largely Ineffective?

Weeb Union also said there’s more damage to Israeli military installations than is being reported. Seems Iran achieved what needed to be done. Great article attached!

“In short: while Israel and the U.S. claim they shot down 100% of everything, and while it’s possible that the drone and cruise missile lures were mostly shot down—though we have no strong evidence one way or the other—we do have evidence that the ballistic missiles largely went unopposed, slicing through what’s claimed to be the densest air defense in the world. Not only Israel’s itself, comprised of a layered defense of David Slings, Arrow-3s, Patriots, and Iron Dome, but also the aforementioned allied airforces, as well as what’s now been reported to be a U.S. Arleigh Burke warship firing upwards of 70+ SM-3 missiles from the Mediterranean shore.”

Israeli war cabinet meeting has concluded. Guess we know something soon enough.

Wonder if they serve cookies and milk at all these Iran Israel meetings?

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This is revolutionary guard FM, it’s another beautiful sunny day here in Tehran and we are getting prepped for a busy weekend of recycling. It’s time for our weekly lottery for all you long time listeners, match any five of our gps coordinates broadcast on unencrypted channels and you too can win a year’s worth of ‘B’ stock drones and corner shop fireworks!

Allahu Akbar, let’s rock.

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I don’t know what the hurry is all about. If I were Israel, I’d take my time about it.

I can’t but think the timing of all this is related to this—>

Not Iranians but guess these kids and others will have to do for now.

I believe I heard Dr. Farrell mention Pike in an old interview, perhaps on the Byte Show.
and how the prophecy/book was discovered long after Pike died and that it was confirmed a forgery.
I have to go back and skip through the videos, if I find it, I’ll link it here.

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It very well might be a forgery.
The predictions/ plans are still happening accordingly.
So if it was Pike,Pike’s aunt, Pike’s understudy, overlord or supermason chief in command doesn’t matter to most people.
The “forgery” came through/ true, so somebody knew what was up.


If this guy’s speculation is correct, they just might have to keep working on that.
(Should start at 5:13-that is the timestamp for it)

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Perspectives,perspectives… :man_shrugging:


@Divergent Very good!

@Sphinx Yep, that’s true. As I said in above post, Iran hit exactly what they were aiming at; never mind drone and cruise missiles, the ballistics hit their target. I don’t need a jack@$$ like Ritter to tell me this. Obviously, I don’ think much of the guy.

@ExternalObserver Fake it might be but The Plan is basically the same.

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The Iranians now know exactly what it takes to saturate Israel+US+UK+Jordan, air defense, their next attack, is going to do real damage, and Israel knows it.

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And lookie what Sputnik has to say! LOL! IMO, Israel might want to consider psychological retaliation; threaten repeatedly, keeping Iran constantly on guard, and Israel do nothing, until Iran or a proxy attacks again. This actually gives Israel the opp to do both; do something, while not doing something…yet.

Min. 9:15 to 27:15. No need to go any further in this report unless you want.

FYI, Passover begins on Monday and heard any retaliation likely after April 30.


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Checking now. The best I could come up with was:

  1. Letter to Mazzini not cataloged in the British Museum.
  2. A book detailing Mazzini’s letter failed to mention it.
  3. The book describing it came out 20 years later.

The consensus seems to be: Inconclusive. Which leads many to claim, forgery.

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Strange lyrics are they not? :thinking:

What say you “pink skin”? :thinking: