Israeli Retaliatory Strike on Iran Largely Ineffective?

SHTF pre-game show?


Oh Gawd. BS abounds. I can’t imagine Iran would be so stupid but they might. IDK.
I think Iran is one of those 7 countries they wanted taken down.

I am reminded of the masonic General Albert Pike’s prophecy. Israel vs Muslims will draw the world into WW3. Written long before the creation of Israel, of course.

Looks like everything is going according to plan.


I think it might all be arranged to look this way. IMO, he & others took Dispensationalism & ran with it.

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Russell “Tex” Bentley missing in Donetsk.

Is it really Iran that did this?

Drones? Hmm. Make of it what you will. Not much of an attack thus far, IMO.


Two Israeli Boeing 707-300 aircraft just took off and turned off their transponders. Israel was reported to be testing an anti missile defence system on these aircraft.

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Israel reportedly already striking targets in Tehran.
Of course, he has to slip a tsunami in there…

Something seems off here :thinking: I hope they all had a chat before showtime!


Wesley Clark said Iran was one of 7 on the list. Looks like it’s in the works.

What a fun fireworks show that was! One video clip of an explosion and fire from X, shown on Agenda Free TV, was actually from Chile years ago. It appears that Iran is in on this Plan, whatever it is, just like the rest. Perhaps this arrangement is to give Israel leeway to do the dirty work of destroying the Iranian population, just as they are in Gaza.

I’ve never been to Iran, but if O’Connell’s description of the leadership there is believable, it mirrors all the others: Sex, Drugs and maybe something other than R&R. Closet Led Zeppelin fans, perhaps?

I wonder what Russia’s response will be should Iran come under attack by Israel that’s very noticeably escalatory? Biden’s not going to do a thing to stop Israel and I’m guessing, neither with Putin.

Thus far, IT’S A SHOW.

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That’s my opinion as well until proven otherwise.
Of course a devastating war could spring from what is initially a “show”.



What are they trying to divert our attention from?

Not directly to Iran, so far.

And the story grows bigger than it actually was…
How many people died? A couple of them, maybe? Not that it’s a good thing.
Fact is, USA and UK knocked out most of the missiles, not Israel.