It's EVERYWHERE You Go On Internet - China Dying, Dying... What's The TRUTH?

It’s so in your face! The attached is just a sample. I do believe there’s some sort of contagion and have no idea what it really is. This round could be the tougher deal. Wonder if it hits USA & a few others as ground freezes in Russia/UKRAINE.

I met a former co-worker today, by chance. Found out she lost her 38-yr. old son to Covid.

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No Live Exercise? We called it at Thanksgiving.

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Nice call, Colonel…20

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Here in Central TX, most people have Cedar Fever- an allergy to the pollen of Juniperus asheii, or Ashe Juniper called Cedar, here. Runny nose, headache, fever, loss of taste (sound familiar?) The drought brought on an incredible crop of acorns and the cedar pollen is THICK, likely also drought related. I used to get similar symptoms with Red Maple in the Adirondacks. The pollen will stay in thee house despite all the air filters until March (release intensifies in January) as the sticky pollen will be released with the dust. Likewise, since February is the coldest throughout the northern hemisplane (smile) when everyone is cooped up in their houses with heaters recirculating the dust and mold throughout the house, BINGO, flu season. Your body will go through everything it can to detoxify, hence the same symptoms that I am experiencing now with the pollen onslaught.


I am, unfortunately, VERY familiar with Cedar Fever and it’s awful!
No doubt related.


Do you think it’s staged? I saw a video which showed Shanghai on December 22 in completely normal state, no deaths with empty infection centres. I think that a lot of YouTube sites in China are western propaganda or Chinese propaganda and these videos are an excellent way to instill more and more fear into us as if we have not had enough miserable crap to deal with.
No one trusts anyone anymore that’s the bottom line.


IMO, both sides of this story are staged.

I’ve never been to China, but those I know who have say that Shanghai is not a good representation for ALL of China; Shanghai is the most westernized and a huge business center for The West. I saw the video also and have no idea if it’s Shanghai or not.

I get the feeling there’s something on it’s way around the globe, as featured by US lack of concern for testing for this ‘new strain’ until Jan. 5; plenty of time for someone to allegedly enter Our Country & spark a “contagion”.

They’re cooking something on the burner. I just can’t tell by the smell what it is, yet. Two possibilities, at this time. Either it’s phony and a narrative is being built in order for ‘them’ to make their next move, OR, the ‘contagion’ is real and ‘they’ are going to let it run around the globe, esp. The U.S., hoping lots of people will die and reduce the population in a marked way.

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Sounds like an evil plan to me, these people are utterly despicable and desperate. They are grasping at straws and are not happy with the lacklustre death toll from Covid and the vaccines. It was good to hear Joseph’s rather optimistic news and views from the nefarium today but these people are murderous monsters who belong to an evil death cult. Athletes dropping like flies on the tv just wets their appetite, these ghouls get their kicks from that.
I don’t know if you saw that new video about the next contagious pandemic due in 2025 which predicted a billion children will die. Does Carthage come to mind.

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It’s my understanding the 2025 date was when Hilly was POTUS. I think they’ve stepped it up now.

On a side note, for at least the last 4 days, my sinuses have been going nuts & everyone else having problems too. People cough or sneeze and sometimes get looked at funny. That strong NW wind blows the Cedar down to us from Hill Country and we suffer along with the rest.

I almost started a fight in Hartz Buffet a while ago. (Really wanted chicken livers for some reason.) This poor lady, obvious to anyone who’s experienced it, was at her table, constantly fighting the sinuses and everyone sort of walking around her. I finally said in a really loud voice, “It’s not Covid! It’s allergies!” Half the room started clapping, shaking their heads ‘yes’. The woman said, “Thank you, Ma’am, there’s nothing I can do!” We started talking and a few others chimed in.

People need to get a grip and learn something about the area in which they live! Yes, pollens can travel hundreds of miles on the wind; thousands of miles under certain conditions.

Some of these paranoid pansies must be visiting from another realm. Hope the allergies drive them back home, if they start the complaining BS…“I hate it that Texas…(fill in blank). Texas doesn’t have…(fill in blank).”

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