It's official ... Chomsky is INSANE

… maybe we should have the decency to remove some “others” from society … just sayin’

Knock, Knock …
(Chomsky): Who’s there?
(Response): Dr. Jack Kevorkian, I have the Thanatron you ordered.

I mean after all it’s on us … we should have known (and stopped him) 60 some odd years ago when he was working so hard on transformational grammar


Linguist is he? How is it possible to include the word “decency” in his treatment and expected behavior of unshot humans? He should have the decency and smarts to realize how stupid that sounds. The lights may be on in his room so we can see him, but his brain has left the room, as well as his grooming skills. Poor ole guy…he used have such quick keen insight.

I went to a lecture by Chomsky when I was at college. Very interesting speaker, and I found him engaging during the parts where I wasn’t asleep. The university loved him, naturally, and we got loads of his books distributed and courses derived from his materiel. His linguistics stuff, to my mind, is very insightful.

What I don’t quite get about his position is that he seems to take it for granted that the vaccination advocates assume they have the monopoly of ownership of society, a moral high ground from which it is for them to evict the undesirables rather than accept that “we are all in this together”, as the propaganda would have it. Holding in your mind that the “vaccines” impart protection, yet demanding the removal of people from society who have not taken it can only be a resource based judgement, indicating a utilitarian framework is being used as the value system.

What is it about the progressive mentality that assumes they have a prerogative right to dictate the future for all? For a guy who based his political theory on “anti-establishment, anti-corporate, anti-empire” thinking, he sure doesn’t hold back when he finds himself on the side of the empire dictating terms to the barbarians.

All I see is a frightened old man at the end of his life, staring into the abyss and finding nothing there but his own reflection. It’s tragic, and they should leave the old coot alone.


Hi dogsberth,
This was the post I deleted because I thought it was obvious news for Giza.

Chomsky should also suggest to limit the number of breaths people can take per minute:)

He is scared for himself, a coward, that is all.

Serbia as a country is held hostage by pensioners. They keep voting for whomever promises to pay them their pensions, they are prostitutes. These Serbian pensioners are keeping in power a corrupt government which is intermingled with organized crime. They do not care that the Titanic is sinking, they still want the waiter to serve them their dinner and they are hoping to die of old age before the Titanic sinks. They are betting on it.

These cowards want to die of old age in their bed and hopefully in their sleep so they are not conscious of any pain. No honor, no courage, no boldness. Their philosophy is: after me, the flood, I don’t care.


I forgot to mention,
young people are leaving Serbia as if it was a cannibal island and the pensions are paid out of IMF loans. There is no economic surplus to pay for the pensions, frankly there is no economy anymore. But there is still some marrow to suck out of the bones since the meat is already devoured, and in the end, you can make glue out of the bones. The country is owned by the IMF:)
Sad but true

… BINGO! dogsbreth … of course there is the problem if whatever is decided as being the greatest good for the greatest number (naive and simplistic Utilitarianism I know) is wrong.

… I had to look twice CoolHL … oh Serbia, I thought you were describing the USSA. :slight_smile:


Scarmoge, please wake me up:) I thought I crossed the ocean 30 years ago

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Boomers will DO ANYTHING, including sacrifice their children and their children’s children to retain their FOUR OH ONE KAY.

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Yes to all the above…it seems that the old adage about self-interest being the frontrunner in any race is still very apt, sadly. A testimony to just how fragmented communities really are :frowning:

I’m not aware of the arguments that prove Utility is not simplistic. Complicated, sure, but still simplistic. My experience is that corporate mentality is derived from Utility, and is swayed by the prevailing social concerns, but is ultimately rooted in Liberal-ism from the Lockean perspective. All well and good, until you run into the wealth of the Trust Fund crowd, who are reformed Feudalists, but aren’t really.

I have had these arguments ad nauseum, admittedly with leftists, and the European perspective seems to be that the left took the best shot, but failed after the Bentham crowd lost favour, mainly due to technological power, when they gave up the subservience to class, and and then only presumed to forward a new class agenda.

Is Class the framework that truely binds us? That would appear to be the fulcrum on which the arguement tips… was the win of the Left in getting people to agree that class is the ultimate discriminator, and that the only other alternative was communism? What is class anyway, but a tacit admission of genealogical superiority? Is it only dollaridoos, is that the answer? Do we resort to classical greek/roman hierarchy, Aristotle and co?How do you get them to back the f… off when the stage has been set? It’s a conundrum, and wailing at people who “have the answer” will only get you so far. The real problem people have, or at least, I have, is what is the alternative other than a continuation of a Lockean system that resulted in this mess?
At some point you have to face the fire, and that is the question of our age. Appreciate a PhD weighing in on this one, as you have the horsepower.

My friends and I have known him as: Noam the Foam - for decades!

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I’d start with a definition for what is the City of London and what is the Lord Mayor of London. Then, what is a bank and what is money in year 2021. What people call class is who are the chefs and who are the people on the menu.

Then you must be very content that group is being culled today via the vax and those stupid ones not getting vaxxed cant be much of a resistance do deal with in the aftermath!
Within 30-50 years the group to blame will just have another name.

You’re right. Boomer is some sort of trigger byword. Most people, in all demographics, will rape, murder, and steal for this wicked system (THE UNITED STATES FEDERAL RESERVE).

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To me, Chomsky seems more and more something like either blind or “controlled opposition” – or both, kind of fake.

There was a documentary some years ago about an Amazonian tribe disproving his linguistic theory, but he wouldn’t admit it (I think it’s the Piraha language analysed by David Everett )

Imho, the best understanding to what is called “progressive mentality” is the following idea of the french anthropologist Emmanuel Todd: since many that have graduated from college or university are “progressive” people, in an unconscious way they got used to an autoritarian and anti-democratic mentality; and hence they believe in autority and that themselves are somewhat superior & they so disregard other people’s opinions as junk. They do not accept Brexit or Trump or any government that is not “liberal” as an democratic decision, and reject any popular expression against their convictions as coming from lower educated people…

I agree.
These people are the truly racist ones. They think that they are enlighted as if they have the power to read tarot cards and see the future. They think that they are mentaly above other people and they judge them and hate them. They are perfect living examples of the Dunning Kruger effect.

They make theories about workers and their right while they never held a tool in their hand. They suffer of the same mental disease as shown in the French film “Ridicule”.

Here is a question. Why did people listen to Socrates and engage with him in conversations? I think it is because he was a Greek soldier and he fought shoulder to shoulder with other Athenians. He was one of the atoms making up the Phalanx molecule. He earned respect with his own courage and blood.

Can you imagine Chomsky on a front line? I think he would run in the same direction as the enemy:) I also think that Marx and Engels would run in the same direction as the enemy. They know deep down that they don’t have the courage to be in battle so they try to compensate by parading an appearance of superiority. One of the ways to demonstrate superiority is to arrogantly look down on other nationalities and be racist.

Here is fine example of it: Neue Rheinsiche Zeitung No. 231-232 February 1849
Democratic Pan-Slavism by Frederick Engels

I wouldn’t be that hard against them: Of course, some of them are cowards, but many left wing people including communists have been courageously fighting nazi Germany and fascism in general, incl all evil doing of Deep State & CIA.

And then there is soft mind control, they believe what they say; & the power of memes that replicate without doing much effort, and the inertia of convictions might have been a lot of evil too… Also, words have great power, so to fight with words can be meaningful: also I think that a government does not survive long if the governed do not believe that it is for their advantage.

Btw, if you look closely at it, you’ll even see that communists had a religious believe for a better world, and I think that without that deep conviction (that is lost meanwhile) it’s difficult to fight and go far…

I agree , they fought fascists which is wonderful. I was not referring to communists as a group which is the cardinal difference. I was referring to communist ideologists. They are bubble boys in ivory towers.

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I’ve heard Emmanuel Todd explain his theory about how contemporary society is socially stratified by education level. I think there’s a lot of truth in his theory. A significant percentage of university-educated people think of themselves as part of a special group that’s morally and intellectually superior to everybody else. They think their imagined superiority gives them the right to make the rules for everyone – just like Mr. Globaloney and his cronies do. At least that’s how I perceive a lot of American “progressives.” (I hate using the word progressive to describe this mentality, since in my eyes, it’s regressive – these people want to regress to a feudalistic order with themselves on top.)

To some extent, that mindset of self-satisfied moral superiority probably explains Chomsky’s insane reaction. Just another educated nutjob who imagines he’s a philosopher-king. Similar to what dogsbreth said, I see Chomsky as a frightened old fool – a pure materialist staring death in the face and trembling at the thought of falling into a nihilistic void.

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