Jeffrey Sachs gives a chronological history of how it all got started in less than 30 minutes. All of us have friends and family who don’t understand what’s going on. SEND THEM THIS VIDEO!
Excellent historical review, pity the Ukranians (and Russians) for America’s arrogance and violations … thanks for posting.
It is absolutely pathetic that no true, thorough historical mention of Russia’s support for Viktor Yanukovych, and loan of 15 billion rubles from the Central Bank of Russia to pay-off the Ukraine’s debt to the western banksters, or of Yanukovych’s winning of a ‘run-off’ election, which led to the Orange Revolution, and the western intel agencies aggressive involvement in the Maidan Square Massacre can no longer be found on the internet these days, and therefore continues to be left out of so many historical chronologies of the Ukraine.
Why oh why should I advertise a fiend like him? Sachs and IMF economist David Lipton advised the rapid conversion of all property and assets from public to private ownership. You can call giving everything to a Gates as Besoz wonderful capitalism, it was done in the former Soviet Union and Soviet allied countries. It resultated in a sufforing and death off scale for the populations in those countries never talked about in the West!
So, from time to time those fiends say something true. For me he is up there with a Madeleine Albright another wonderful humanitarian!
Oh look who runs around in the same uni? Coincidence, I think not!
I know who Sachs is and his history. There’s better and worse plastered all over this site. Nobody has to do anything they don’t want to do. It’s still a good, quick chronology of what happened. Not an attempt to cover every angle.
It seems that some want the perfect person to deliver the perfect message to sleeping people and will magically wake them up. Won’t happen.
Nope, don’t believe in picture perfect. I do however, draw a line @ mass atrocities.
You’re always free to go your own way.
Carlson said in an hour-long interview with radio host Adam Corrolla, “another coronavirus lockdown is unlikely, as too many people would refuse to comply, so they’re going to go to war with Russia, that’s what they’re going to do.” Thankfully it is in English.
Tucker argued that the US is headed for a ‘hot’ war with Russia] (US headed for ‘hot war’ with Russia – Tucker Carlson — RT World News)
I can believe that. Some people will still don a mask but I also think war with Russia is where we’re headed. I’ve hounded my representatives relentlessly to stop sending US money & supplies to Ukraine, but so few others are doing same, there’s no strength in numbers. It makes me sick…
Much could be said about how the truly criminally insane are running the ‘show’, or in other words the world’s events. I have always maintained the idea that writers, and movie producers ‘mask’ their beliefs in fiction, and in movies and films such as ‘Clockwork Orange’ by Anthony Burgess. Or the 1964 movie ‘Dr Strangelove’ with Peter Sellers as the lead actor.