Jo stafford (and her alter ego)

Now you may not know, but I’m a big Paul Weston and Jo Stafford fan (and a BIG fan of their alter egos, Jonathan and Darlene Edwards… and a big fan of musical parody and comedy, which they do). This analysis of Stafford’s nearly perfect pitch is quite good:

AND here’s a classic Jonathan and Darlene Edwards (yes, that’s Paul Weston on the piano adding extra beats in the odd measure or three - which you can discover for yourself by attempting to keep time with them - , and yes, that’s really Jo Stafford singing as “Darlene Edwards”):


She was wonderful! Patsy Cline, among others, revered her.

Patsy Cline … another indescribably rich voice!

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This singer was my introduction to Jo Stafford.
If The Blues Brothers imitate him, he has to be good! LOL!
We were just little kids when the TV series came out and didn’t need to be experts in music theory to know we were hearing something special. What power!