Joe Manchin Latest News: Said to be considering a run for POTUS?

Oh, lookie, lookie, there’s a video attached in this article! He’s probably controlled opposition, huh? LOL! WATCHING…

Playing the role of Nigel Farage here in the UK. It’s all theatre.


That could be true but there are other possibilities as well.
I don’t think TPTB are going to close Manchin’s bank accounts.
In fact, I think his accounts are overflowing.

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I think Farages”s are too and that the closing of his bank accounts was a ruse good old fashioned piece of fear porn. How can we prove that his bank accounts were frozen, we only have his, a seasoned politician, desperate for power’s, word for it.

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True but Manchin is a completely different situation.
I don’t understand your comparison. Please explain?

I don’t know about Manchiin but here in the UK TPTB are pushing Farage into setting up a new third political party more right wing in response to the multi diversity they are creating. They are trying to stir up even more division whilst also trying to keep people interested in a tired and corrupt political system until they can get their reset in place.
Is this a similar role Joe Manchin is playing?
I would be interested to know?


Who are the TPTB please? Having binned my tv license and newspapers I have no idea, please illuminate.

The powers that be in the UK are the Royal Family, Banksters - Rothschilds, City of London, Masons, intelligence agencies, Murdoch, WEF and all the other factions that have written, designed , advocated and implemented the Zgreat Reset or the 2030 Agenda. What interested me about the amazing Polly video exposing Jordan Peterson were the many and deep ties here in the Uk. Although it is a Christian country there are very deep Masonic, Gnostic and Theosophic ties which are bringing about this great reset. Corporations are also hugely instrumental and centre in this war and yes they are very strong in the UK where local banks, businesses and shops are literally dropping like flies.
Hope this helps.


Indeed, all very true: I read that Prince William headed Circo.

I’m on the fence about Farage: he was genuinely upset when his seat was stolen after the ballot boxes took the scenic route to the count. That constituency is usually one of the first to declare but by 5am all the tv stations started saying it looked like he’d lost. I don’t know how he kept his composure.

I think it was after Carswell and the other guy defected to UKIP that he started to see he’d been stitched up. I met a few of the UKIP MEPs who were genuine, sadly I came to see the rest of those involved in the party were masons.

The plane accident he was in and the sabotage to his car would cast doubt on him being a globalist stooge. I’m still in the dark as to who the TPTB are :slight_smile:

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Haven’t followed Farage but the information you have given here is interesting to read. You just don’t know anymore who is a globalist stooge and who is acting independently. As far as TPTB go being mysterious goes then being on Dr Farrell’s site makes perfect sense; just think of those who fought the Cosmic War and our Genetic Cousins who occupy the other planets in few solar system, do they wield any power here today?Martians, Saturnians and the survivors of Tiamet. May want to be careful playing that alien invasion psyop card in case the “real thing” turns up, a good phrase used by the good Dr Farrell.
Plus black nobility, and the Nephalim bloodlines that survived the flood.
The video belies gives a great explanation as to who TPTB are:


This is largely the question. Thanks for the clarity on Farage. With regard to Manchin, please note that he has said nothing about an Independent ticket run for POTUS; doesn’t mean he won’t and doesn’t mean he will. There are other options, one especially interesting that crossed my radar and that of a possible VP to RFK Jr. I posted a thread here with similarities and differences last week. I don’t care how many environmental cases Jr. has argued around WDC, he clearly does not know what he’s doing. Jr. would need a very seasoned Moderate/Conservative of his own Party who has a record of getting the job done. Manchin has such a record and more.

With Bill Ackman’s interview yesterday, re: Agreement with Jr. on the lack of efficacy and safety of the jab, all of this is thrown into high gear. Has Jr. made a deal? Has Jr. been made an offer he can’t refuse? Is Biden being pushed out and Jr. being pushed in? We have to wait, watch and see.

I think you are onto something here, RFK jr has been green lighted that is for sure. An offer he can’t refuse could mean blackmail of some hidden dirty secret he may have like most of them.


Or a threat that Jr. can’t get around…


Thanks, I’ll watch later when I have time.

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I have noticed just how much Kennedy propaganda there is which ties in with pushing RFK jr. it’s also interesting how RFK is talking about the CIA killing his dad and uncle which makes him so much more appealing to the truth community. They are so damn manipulative, I watch a truther you tuber who hasn’t voted for years but is now talking about voting for RFK because he is saying truther narratives like attacking the CIA and some vaccines.
It’s all so scripted and planned in my eyes.

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It’s not really that they’re so manipulative; they’re actually rather common in their tactics. It’s just that the population doesn’t move in tandem; it takes a few strays to start the herd moving in a different direction. We want that one person who will kiss our boo boo making everything better and quite frankly, most of us are completely self-absorbed, which makes us stupid. TPTB are correct on the stupidity factor and don’t have to put out that much effort to manipulate; they designed it this way, just as they have for thousands of years. We are awake, still in bed and staring at the ceiling. Very unfortunate.

Take a look. Do you see any glitter and gold ticker tape? No. Is he a cult of personality? No. While many people know his name they couldn’t pick him out in a crowd. Everyone knew who Trump was, Biden, all the others. Makes for interesting speculation…

I think it’s very difficult for us to make any significant changes and I do feel that they are manipulative with the facts and making sure that important information stays hidden whether it’s history or technology they keep us in the dark. I don’t think I am stupid and resent their atrocious and deceitful and manipulative behaviour towards me. Furthermore everything is so well designed and the plans so well entrenched and largely going to plan that nothing is going to stop it. A friend of mine just came back from Marseille in France and just missed a riot. All part of the plan.

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I agree with you. They’ve designed this for decades and now that all is in place, it’s fairly easy for them.

We all resent the hell out of what they’re doing and as you’ve alluded, if we had our real history available, we might find we’ve been through this same cycle many, many times, possibly over thousands of years.

Hence: “Those who CANNOT remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

We have no real history to remind and guide us…

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Joe Manchin starting to show up a bit more now. What will he do?
Scroll down to the bottom to see the propaganda.


2024 candidates react to Hunter Biden special counsel, and more takeaways from the trail

2024 candidates react to Hunter Biden special counsel, and more takeaways from the trail



Fri, August 11, 2023 at 3:35 PM CDT

As Republicans gathered Friday for Day 2 of the Iowa State Fair, news broke in Washington that the U.S. attorney investigating Hunter Biden was being elevated to special counsel.

Several candidates in the 2024 GOP field welcomed the development, with former Vice President Mike Pence telling reporters it’s “about time.” Others said they still didn’t believe the investigation would be independent.

MORE: GOP presidential candidates start declaring their loyalty

Meanwhile, Gov. Ron DeSantis faced an unfriendly reception at his first stop of the day, when protesters with cowbells interrupted the event.

And in West Virginia, Sen. Joe Manchin is once again flirting with the idea of leaving the Democratic Party.

Here’s what to know from the trail on Friday.

2024 candidates react to Hunter Biden special counsel

Pence was one of the first candidates to react to Attorney General Merrick Garland’s announcement that U.S. Attorney David Weiss was being appointed as special counsel in his investigation of President Joe Biden’s son.

“I’ll be honest with you, I can’t relate to what his son was doing when he was vice president,” Pence told ABC News Senior Congressional Correspondent Rachel Scott. “When I was vice president, my son was flying an F-35 in the Marine Corps defending this country.”

Pence continued, “But I think it’s about time that we saw the appointment of a special counsel to get to the bottom of not only what Hunter Biden was doing, but what the Biden family was doing. The American people deserve answers and I welcome it.”

PHOTO: Republican U.S. presidential candidate and former Vice President Mike Pence campaigns for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination at the Iowa State Fair, Aug. 11, 2023, in Des Moines, Iowa. (Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters)

MORE: Special counsel appointed in Hunter Biden case as plea deal reaches ‘impasse’

Miami Mayor Frances Suarez said he wasn’t surprised.

“Well, I’m not shocked. Not shocked by that at all,” Suarez said. “I think that there’s a perception among Republicans that I talked to that there’s a two-tier system [of justice]. So I think it’s gonna be welcomed.”

But other candidates were skeptical and continued to suggest the Justice Department has been politically weaponized.

Former President Donald Trump wasn’t in Iowa, but a spokesperson for his campaign claimed that if the special counsel is “truly independent,” he will “quickly conclude” that the Bidens and others should face “required consequences.”

Former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley told Fox News she didn’t “trust” the special counsel appointment.

“I don’t trust it. I don’t think the American people trust it. I don’t think the American people trust the Department of Justice,” Haley said.

DeSantis told reporters he wasn’t “confident” the investigation would include corruption issues alleged by many in the GOP.

“It seems to me they’re going to find a way to give him some type of soft-glove treatment,” he said.

Democrat Marianne Williamson, who had previously declined to make Hunter Biden a campaign issue, weighed in with a statement saying it’s “up to the American people to decide how this complication impacts their view of President Biden’s candidacy and whether it’s a further reason to move on.”

DeSantis drowned out by protesters

Two women ringing cowbells and shouting through a megaphone interrupted DeSantis as he campaigned at Freedom Rock, a monument honoring veterans in Menlo, Iowa

The women, Heather and Kara Ryan, attempted to drown out DeSantis with chants like “Ron De-Fascist” and “Go Back to Florida.” Donned in “B****** Get Stuff Done” shirts, Heather Ryan told ABC News afterward that they belonged to an Iowa-based progressive group by the same name.

PHOTO: Republican U.S. presidential candidate and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis speaks during his ‘Never Back Down’ tour ahead of his appearance at the Iowa State Fair, Aug. 11, 2023, in Atlantic, Iowa. (Scott Morgan/Reuters)

In a particularly tense moment, a member of DeSantis’ super PAC swatted the megaphone Heather Ryan was shouting through.

DeSantis criticized the women in his comments, saying they didn’t “respect veterans.”

-ABC’s Hannah Demissie, Will McDuffie and Isabella Murray

MORE: Trump plans Iowa State Fair stop, though he won’t attend candidate chat with GOP Gov. Kim Reynolds

Doug Burgum says RNC rules should apply to Trump, too

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum has resisted discussing Trump during his campaign. But he made an exception on Friday to disagree with the Republican National Committee potentially offering Trump a waiver to be on the debate stage if he doesn’t sign the loyalty pledge.

“These are all clubhouse rules. If they are clubhouse rules, they ought to apply to everybody,” Burgum told reporters.

The loyalty pledge is one requirement to get on the RNC’s debate stage later this month. Trump said earlier this week that he would not sign it, and has insinuated he might skip the first two debates.

-ABC’s Kelsey Walsh

PHOTO: Republican U.S. presidential candidate and North Dakota Governor Doug Burgumspeaks during Fair-Side Chat with Governor of Iowa Kim Reynolds, at the Iowa State Fair, Aug. 11, 2023, in Des Moines, Iowa. (Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters)

Pence confronts Jan. 6 supporters and opponents

Pence has received a mixed reaction in Iowa, with some calling him a “traitor” and others commending him for his actions on Jan. 6, 2021.

During his turn on the soapbox Thursday, Pence was asked by one audience member why he committed treason on Jan. 6 – a question that caused another in the crowd to yell, “shut the f*** up.”

But Pence said it was a fair question and defended his actions that day.

“And I’ll always believe by God’s grace, I did my duty that day. I truly believe it,” Pence said.

Asked by ABC News on Friday if the polar opposite reactions represented a Republican Party at a crossroads, Pence said he honestly didn’t know.

“I’ve been deeply moved by the people who have expressed their appreciation for my long-conservative career and position I took that fateful day,” he said. “I understand that after two-and-a-half years that my former running mate has been telling people things that aren’t so, I welcome the opportunity … I kept my oath to the United States and I’m confident that in time, people that didn’t understand it then, may not understand it now, will come around and understand that we always kept our promises to the American people.”

-ABC’s Rachel Scott, Libby Cathey and Ben Siegel

MORE: Political jockeying follows presidential candidates to the annual Iowa State Fair

Manchin thinking ‘seriously’ about becoming independent

The moderate Democrat said he’s “absolutely” thought about becoming an independent during a radio interview with a West Virginia’s “Talkline” radio host Hoppy Kercheval.

“I’m thinking seriously what’s the best for me,” Manchin said. “I have to have peace of mind, basically. The brand has become so bad. The ‘D’ brand and ‘R’ brand … You’ve heard me say a million times I’m not a Washington Democrat. But I’ve got a lot of friends who aren’t Washington Republicans, either.”

PHOTO: Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) questions Securities and Exchange Commission Chairmain Gary Gensler as Gensler testifies before the Financial Services and General Government Subcommittee, July 19, 2023, in Washington. (Win Mcnamee/Getty Images)

Manchin is up for reelection next year in the increasingly conservative state. If he did switch parties, he’d be following in the footsteps of Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, who switched her registration from Democrat to independent late last year.

“When I get ready to make a decision, I’ll come see you,” Manchin told Kercheval.