Joe Manchin Latest News: Said to be considering a run for POTUS?

Double talk…

[quote=“undine, post:9, topic:15395”]
the rest of those involved in the party were masons.

The plane accident he was in… the sabotage to his car…
–all that-- would cast doubt on him being a globalist stooge… --Yet — I’m still in the dark as to who the TPTB are

Paraphrasing an old saying… you can lead a starving horse to a bin full of hay, or a thirsty horse to a trough of water, but you cannot force it to eat or drink.

Notice what he did not say…yet.

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Missed it and even searched for it! :+1:

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““Hate to see him go as a person. Glad to see him go as a Democrat,” said Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.).”

Some Democratic officials are also concerned that Manchin’s announcement frees him to pursue a third-party presidential bid that could ultimately undermine President Joe Biden’s reelection. The 76-year-old Manchin has raised the possibility of a presidential bid in the past, and he made direct reference to national ambitions in the retirement video he posted on social media Thursday.

“What I will be doing is traveling the country and speaking out to see if there is an interest in creating a movement to mobilize the middle and bring Americans together,” Manchin said.

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There’s a lot of speculation right now about Manchin; Dems seemed rather terrified.
One thing for sure, he’s keeping his cards close to his chest. Teaming w/ Romney would be a LOSE, IMO. Personally, I think he’d be smart to retire from public life but what do I know… :upside_down_face:

Better dump Romney if he wants to gain any headway.

Team in WH who keep Biden from injuring himself known as “The Fall Guys”! I love it!

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Might write about conditions on Maui when I return if I’m not hurried to an assignment.
Meanwhile, Manchin sounding like a candidate.

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What is it with this presidential slate of old political geezers? Guess it makes for easier replacement when needed… due to “health issues”.
A $100 million dollar war chest means a lot of political favors to be paid back. Looks like his daughter has great connections with the pharmaceutical companies plus she knows how to get an eMBA without really trying when needed for your resume….

Joe might not have to go 3rd party. Could handlers could do a switch-a-roo with the other Joe? Will have to wait and see. Biden & Trump have been such spectacle and people are so tired, Manchin might actually have a chance (barely) as 3rd party, or Dem? Was this the plan all along? Really needs to declare by around mid-March, if he’s going forward with it.

Been watching since Dec. 2021 and it’s working up to something.

If The Dems were ever to pick a crossover, this guy is it.

Posted Jan. 28, 2024 below

Do NOT discount Joe Manchin. Even if he doesn’t run for POTUS, he has some influence, not to mention, his wife!

And more on his position(s)…

I have to wonder if Manchin is waiting to see what happens with this situation?

Well, BYE!

JOE’S OUT! I sure don’t blame him…

With all the talk about Bidens brain damage, I’m still watching this guy. He’s talking game.

I knew he’d be here. Just didn’t know exactly when or how.

If Manchin declares his candidacy, it’s a takeaway of votes from Biden and truly helps Trump regain office. While Trump is easily readable (to me), and Biden is not altogether there, Manchin keeps a pretty straight face, no matter what. This is a huge threat to Biden. Seems someone(s) wants Trump back in office. What a show this is!

“Most people run their lives from the center.” - Joe Manchin

I could and will speculate until whatever is brewing with regard to Manchin is revealed. He is a well-respected and generally well-liked politician, by all sides; an incredible rarity in politics. It doesn’t mean he’s huggy kissy with everyone, in fact, some seem to fear the man, with good reason. Remember how he and Synema (R) walked out on a crucial vote, and Manchin alone walked again, when his vote would have passed Biden legislation he did not agree with. He will try to reason with people first, and after that, his feet do the talking. Bottom line is he’s smart and has some real B@lls. If there’s something truly fishy going on with him, nobody has been able to uncover it, and you can bet the ferrets have been at work for years trying to find it. Manchin has literally pulled parts of West Virginia forward 100 years.

Look at this guy, just from Wiki alone:

“U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (I-WV) was sworn into the United States Senate on November 15, 2010 to fill the seat left vacant by the late Senator Robert C. Byrd. For Senator Manchin, serving as West Virginia’s Senator is truly an honor and a privilege.”

“Manchin was the 34th governor of West Virginia from 2005 to 2010 and the 27th secretary of state of West Virginia from 2001 to 2005. He became the state’s senior U.S. senator when Jay Rockefeller left office in 2015 and was West Virginia’s only congressional Democrat until 2024, when he registered as an independent.”

I deal in possibilities and probabilities. Yes, there’s esoteric thrown in, but I’m more interested in the immediate needs of Earth. Here are the top 3 I have for Manchin, at this time, in order of likelihood:

  1. He retires from Senate in Jan. 2025 and adopts private or semi-political life. Possible that he works behind the scenes to break up the 2-party system.
  2. He declares his candidacy for POTUS as an Independent. This could crater Biden’s chances. Either Manchin is so po’d by what’s happened to Trump that crushing Biden is part of his intent, as well as trying to break up the 2-party system, or this was all planned and is part of the show.
  3. Manchin becomes Trumps VP candidate, which means Trump would switch affiliation to Independent… I know, I know! LOL! I have to list it as a possibility because of the timing, and Trumps sentencing just days before Rep. convention. Yes, this is highly unlikely. Manchin said he would ‘never vote for Trump’. Trump and Manchin are polar opposites in personality, which is actually a plus, but Manchin wouldn’t put up with Trumps antics for one second. It’s a shame that Trump has little to no filter because Manchin has all the knowledge Trump needs in a VP, and could eliminate much of what I perceive as Trumps traitorous cronies in his staff positions. What if Trump/Manchin were elected and Trump had to leave office for some reason? Guess who would be POTUS? Please keep in mind that crazier things have happened in the last 5 years, therefore, I have to list this. IF this should happen, you can bet, it was planned.

Okay Joe. First you say you’re going Independent, then you say now, I’m staying Dem, then you go Independent. Typical politician.


What the hell is he talking about?! He almost sounds like Bidey.