I have noticed the same thing. The past year especially, but also before that I noticed a growing support for the zionist agenda.
But he is not alone.
I think theres a group of people that has joined him in this matter.
Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson and Musk(especially) has, after the Trump win, been very vocal about their political views.
Musk was even saying last week, as I understood him, that a genocide on the Gaza strip was necessary because they were brainwashing their children to hate, and you simply can’t have that.
Ir would be interesting to hear his reaction to some of the footage comong out from israeli schools and kindergartens the last decades then, cause they are no different in any way.
National israeli TV even broadcasted a school class singing a song about murdering all Palestinians and Arab baby before they became a danger to israel.
Another song hailed the IDF soldiers and their fighter jets as they wiped away the threats from the Palestinians.
But. I digress; Musks support for the german political right wing party “AfD- Alternative for Deutschland” is another hint about what political segment they want to collaborate with as well.
I do not think “AfD” is as “Nazi” as the left portray them as, and they might( probably) be a much better alternative than the green party over there.
Peterson also supported Tommy Robinson in UK, and even though I agree with Peterson he has done good things, especially the humongous case of sexual abuse of kids in Northern England,I think Piers Morgan had a valid point when he addressed his history of hooliganism and violence, and not so elegant handling certain situations.
And yes, you can grow up and be better, but the danger is he is affiliated with groups with an agenda from a place a little too far right for most peoples liking.
Even Nigel Farage keeps him on an arms distance.
I am also worried that the climate created by Trump green lighting NuttyYahoo’s dream of completing “operation greater Israel” will cause a “perfect storm” for that way of handling business.
Russia and China might throw the hesitance on the garbage dumpster and make Russia great again or take Taiwan for starters.
I don’t know, theres just a different lingo coming from that segment now that is a little scary to be honest.