Words are cheap & the Lowest common denominator is: If Poilievre doesn’t support money ‘creation’ by the publicly owned bank of Canada, all else is moot. The Supreme Court of Canada booted the issue back to Parliament saying it was their job, not the court’s…even the crickets are silent while the dust piles up.
Peterson … a two faced SNAKE … always was … always is and always will be …
Juden Peterstein has always been exactly what is suggested, a globalist stooge, a Judeo-Christian, and an apologist for whatever Israel happens to be doing.
Ah, he’s trying to make a living, lying pays quite well nowadays…
No need for lying, just talk out of one’s hat and then pontificate in a waffling manner. Then, never, ever, stop doing that. Lots of pontiffs in the offing.
Obvious intelligence agency creation.
Not necessarily. IMO the genius of some intel ops is using existing people who are preaching a specific narrative and boost them through algorithmic control. Once reliant on the funds being generated, then those individuals can be steered to the desired method through emf manipulation of thought and the overt carrot and stick method. I think peterson is just a self interested ego driven creature of the times, clearly being boosted yes! But, a creation from intel idk. I fear people can be manipulated, without knowing it, through visual stimuli via phone screens and covert emf manipulation of the biological electrical signal flowing through the body.
Heavily promoted on Rogans podcast which had, at one time, a steady stream of CIA and special forces guests, also he’s now rich. I don’t trust him.
That Scofield brand of Christianity is spreading like wildfire in parts of Europe as I am finding out. Unbelievable!! Some parts of Europe have made it their brand to lick up all the pus floating around in the US and incorporate that into society.
My question is…When are the Bible Belters going to realize that we have been handed an incorrect translation of the Old Testament upon which our Belief System has been founded?!! Next question…Why have we accepted The Pauline Version of Christianity?!! Since I was in that mind-controlled state for 70 years, I know where of I speak!!! One declaring that The Bible is “The Word of God” makes it so??? Let’s see…how many other “books” claiming Divine Authority can we find?! Gene Decode did a recent interview with Michael Salls in which they covered Mt. Hermon which appears to have a focal point of our civilization! Exactly who gets to decide which books are “Divine” & which are NOT?!
Where is there a book showing it was copyrighted by God?
Oh, God doesn’t need or use copyright laws. He/She/They make the laws and humans are obligated to enforce them.
Our personal heart in conjunction with reason and beliefs? Mind controlled systems versus belief systems in conjunction with free will might be more important than mostly thought off. Even if one believes it is all nonsense, it is still a belief. Today’s trust in science is obfuscating beliefs at the expense of science overall. Taking responsabilities is very difficult in today’s wicked world. One does not take responsability for much of the science (real or not) produced let alone for beliefs! On the one hand “belief” is scrapped in conjunction with science in favor of proof, on the other hand humanity is promoted to ditch objective realities for inner phantasies, go figure!
I only wander the depths of depravity that was exposed in Nicea, way back when, 325ish AD? How much emotional control could be exerted onto the unsuspecting populace? How much profit could be generated from all the tithes? When exactly is God suppose to come collect that money? What would God do with money in heaven?
Traditionally no matter the good intent to begin with, all organizations, i mean ALL, eventually get obfuscated and turned into a pariah against the masses. I think this one however, was rotten from the beginning and only through the good will of individual lowly people, who truly believe, has any good come from the Catholic organization.
This clown and Bibi will doom the US. What the soviets couldn’t do, these lizard people with too much influence and money will accomplish. Pretty sad honestly
When psychology switched to examining feelings instead of examining thinking, mind manipulation and perception came to be what we see today.
You are my Kind of Woman, MaJones!!! One that sees the Reality of what has been & is going on!! One little fact we weren’t taught in Bible School is that of the 360 some Bishops at Nicea, 60 had their heads lopped off as they didn’t go along with whatever the stated agenda was!! Point well taken about ANY human org. always going sideways at some point. I think the Mother Teresa one is probably a good example of that. Just wondering if you are aware of the book series, “Sands of Time”? In 2009 Dr. Sean D. Morton was given the Journals of the man who was responsible for developing our SSP. He writes it all as a novel, but the science seems to be right on! We have been on the Moon since the 50’s, but we Normies are not supposed what has really been happening!!
Technically i’m calling myself one of “her” Mother Jone’s rebels! Therefore, i’m not a female by dent of the name. I am in fact male.
As far as the sands of time, no i’m not aware. My only problem with having an off world fleet of ship capable of leaving and going star systems whenever they please is, why not reduce the population of earth by simple flying people all over the cosmos and giving them planets of their own?
@MaJonesNedreck “…giving them planets of their own?”
I agree, but unfortunately, their game is about control, that’s why. It’s in their DNA somewhere. There was more than enough ‘money’ pumped into the North American economy because of kovid to pay off every home mortgage on the continent but that didn’t happen. These freaks want us to suffer. We, are their entertainment. We’re the common house fly. They’re the ‘wing pullers’. If you don’t want to suffer such pain, move to Canada where we’ll provide you with a comfortable death complements of the taxpayers via MAID (Medical Assistance In Dying). Isn’t that what a maid does? Cleans up everyone else’s mess? You and I, we’re the mess.
I am not in charge of the SSP so can’t answer for why they do or don’t do certain things. Michael Salla has delved into this whole subject in detail & has had many good interviews on Exopolitics. Sorry I assumed you were a woman, I stand corrected!!