Just finished watching this one, and it was better than most of Hollywood thrillers, way better. Time to buy another JPF book. McCarthy series this time.

Good choice – The McCarthy books are fantastic, and give important context to the other books (including the one on Roswell).

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I think Dr. Farrell stated that nothing is literally “no thing”, but it’s not really nothing in the true meaning of the word, which means absence of existence. If it were truly nothing, it would not exist and not have any properties whatsoever, including the ability to divide. This is why I don’t like the term nothing as it causes confusion. I’d rather call it everything than nothing as at least then it has properties.

Sorry, not quite… since existence is itself a category of things, a No Thing is a No Thing… and even utter negation fails to “get it”…


I’m using the term existence with this meaning: " 1. The fact or state of existing; being." So I would argue that the “no thing” must exist because if it didn’t, you couldn’t do anything with it, such as subdivide it or anything else.


@technomage : Thanks for raising this question, as it’s something that also challenges my internal logic. I appreciate hearing your perspective on this as much as I enjoy Dr. Farrell’s perspective.

This “no thing” concept is one aspect of Dr. Farrell’s books with which I had some difficulty grasping, the idea of the empty set (as described by mathematicians) actually being something that one can say exists in and of itself.

I think of mathematics as being a way to describe different kinds of “relationships” among “things”, and then I try to grasp the empty set and the no things and existence, and realise how very little I know about this realm of thought. And how utterly fascinating this is.

@vardas3 : Could this topic make for a nice webinar chat?


I did not see this one on this thread. The Dr.s laugh is infectious and Tino is full of instigation, over 3hrs

Yes, please, Dr. Farrell! I am sure many of us would appreciate this topic being explored further.

Thanks for the link.

and some (g)old footage here:)


Hmmm…looks like and very similar to the “the corner stone” that was rejected. Right?Or left? :thinking:

What about the idea of no thing? When conceptualizing it, doesn’t it become something.
I am getting hung up on the word thing, German describes it much better in one word, nichts

I liked this one, but wondered if Tino saw the Ukraine/Russia situation from an emotional foundation.
He is the best historian… but I could not trust some of his observations. Not saying they are not true - I just doubted.

it was posted oct 24th :wink:

Here is a new interview with Dr. Farrell and Kelly Em.

Joseph P. Farrell on the common surface


… in COG UFO II Dr. Farrell mentions the notion of retro-causation. It occurred to me that one could possibly make an argument that back-propagation is a form of retro-causation in human neurology.


Superb interviewer.
Great discussion!
Deep subject matter well worth listening to.
Your in the midst of an all consuming cultural matrix!