Thank you. This clarified everything I’ve been seeing.

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I agree with your sentiments. And these speculations are valuable in understanding the game.

But I am forever challenged by an optimism that, while engaged in a losing battle for the soul of mankind, seeks actionable lines of attack. Consider the massive shifts we have seen regarding the vaccine. Media personalities are coming forward with statements like ‘my bad’ but I was working with the best information I had available. And then calling for amnesty for those who plunged the world into chaos.

My suggestion is more about strategy. We will lose the science battle as long as ‘they’ control the science. Science did not or will not defeat the covid narrative. Only the observable results can - the deaths and infectability of those who received it. That is the lightbulb moment for the fence-straddlers and ‘believers’ (most people) who fell short of joining the death cult.

To me, it’s like tackling in American football. A runner jukes left and then right to disorient the defender. A good defender will ignore it (the narrative) and run through the numbers on the player’s jersey. And thereby knock him on his arse.

Perhaps my speculation here is the wildest and most useless of all. But … what if we place a magnifying glass over the simple, observable elements of their fraud? Much like a child would observing a bug - and discovering the power of the sun.


I have same suspicion.

Have we had a massive shift? Did I miss something? That narrative and the climate change one both seem immovable in my little world. It would be nice to learn of a movement, not necessarily an organized one, but a stirring, maybe like when parents started pushing back at school boards.

Kind of like not casting pearls before swine. I had both types of encounters while running errands in town today.

The first was the regular guy at the hardware store counter. I asked if he’d heard about Acapulco, to which he said no but added he stopped watching news. I dropped the conversation as he wasn’t interested. No harm, no foul.

The other was a new acquaintance, my age, actual owner of a store I frequent. I tossed a few bits of who I am and soon learned among other things, that he had been at J6. (Firsthand stories are the best, right?) Interesting about him was that he, too, had stopped watching news. Don’t know if it is a trend, but both guys seem to have disengaged.

Last year hiking, I struck conversation with a couple on the trail about geoengineering which happened to be going on in earnest overhead. They listened intently and we had some good dialogue. I became too confident and careless amongst strangers, and soon found myself debating drag queen library hour. It was a lesson learned.

My greater point is that it is worth putting a toe in the water most of the time by striking up a conversation with those who we feel may benefit from hearing an alternate narrative.


Reports from Acapulco say no water, no food, no power/gasoline, all stores looted, very little relief supplies, people turning on each other and rumored unable to leave due to military pushback. Wonder how Pacific coast of Central America doing with Pilar?


What could very well be happening is ‘cloud seeding’, or in a more northerly area it could be called ‘chinook winds’. I understand that is a ‘stretch’, or perhaps even an overreach. However, after traveling up into parts of Canada, Montana, Oregon, North and South Dakota, and other states, and also traveling thru Wind Cave National Park, Devils Tower area, and various tribal lands in that ‘neck’ of the territory, then into Montana, thru Wyoming, and Yellowstone several times, and being on Ted Turner’s Flying D Ranch a couple of times there were a few times when the ‘strange, inexplicable’ Chinook Winds descended over and around me, and my companions.

Surely all of the folks in those areas are familiar with Chinook Winds, since they create highly strange, and even create ‘spooky, creepy, and unearthly’ feelings. A few movies have been created about the affects it has on folks. In particular I recall one of them titled, “Aurora, Fire in the Sky”, and one or two others, but I cannot recall their titles off-hand.

The one I recall the most vividly is very interesting because it deals with a supposedly ‘lost tribe’ of native ‘Americans’ in an area that is now known as Canada. One of the most intriguing aspects of the story was its hidden location. Supposedly, the only access to the lost tribe was under and through a waterfall, Sorry but the title of that film is not coming to my mind at this moment. However, that ‘movie’ created a very intriguing and lasting memory of the humans that occupied the land prior to the time before the Europeans invaded the Americas.

So, of course my recollection has almost nothing to do with Acapulco, unless of course we wanted to discuss who were the human inhabitants who owned that land prior to the invasion of other humans.

Well, now that Mexico is cleared out, time to start preparing the 15-minute cities south of the border.

An interesting note is that it went right over Max Igan’s place of residence, except he was in TX at the time!! Us Little People seem to have no say in the war that is being waged against Humanity!! :crazy_face: Is this type of thing that is going to drag The Masses into a Galactic Mentality???

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The planned Anarchapulcho conference suffered, too.


True…but they can still meet up somewhere else. Max has been one of the Front Line Warriors; had to flee his own country!! There are SO many people who have been contributing to this Great Awakening, each in their own way!! I would guess that each of us has had someone close to us “taken” before their time, so to speak, yet the majority seem to still be under the “spell”, doing whatever their Dr’s tell them to do!! Long term planning has gone into the “culling” that is happening as we speak!! It’s all so sad!! :woozy_face:

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Here is a survivor of what happened that day and the possible conclusion of why the globalists are ramping up their geoengineering of our weather. Smart cities by DEW not sure why it would not take the website I sent but on Brighteon.com Mike Adams Health Ranger Report has James Martinez in an explosive interview on weather weapons, cold fusion energy, and globalist enslavement of humanity

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Thanks, never heard of James Martinez, interesting.
“Gaza experiment as the template for the 15’ cities!”
As the jab experiment was in many ways a wakeup call for many health doctors and scientists related to the health industry when doing real investigation and got serious flack for it, so it seems happening to succesful entrepreneurs.

CAF many times warned no one will be spared and there is no where on the planet to hide. Seems her prediction has come to fruition.

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