Just say No! ... "I Am Legend" going Live? ... only The Shadow knows

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And so then after you’ve been treated for your cancer? Then the body will produce the antibodies to fight the cancer cells…? BS
How about using the research dollars to figure out why and how the cells in the body ended up cancerous in the first place? Oh I know….


… Now, now Bill … don’t try to reason about this. :slight_smile:

… from an earlier post regarding so called “Cancer Research”

… say it ani’t so Rog (Roger Daltrey), say it ain’t so …

“Curiouser and curiouser!’ cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English); `now I’m opening out like the largest telescope that ever was!” … When Cenoscopy and Idioscopy meet …

Yes Alice, aren’t we all at this point?

Speaking with The Times about his time in charge of the Trust, Daltrey – whose sister died from breast cancer aged just 32 – expresses reservations about the scientific establishment’s approach to finding a cure for the disease.

“I don’t think they’ll ever find a cure for cancer,” says Daltrey. “I don’t think they want to find a cure. I’m being cynical here, but scientists look after the science but they also look after themselves. You do imagine if they did find a cure tomorrow it would be fabulous for the country, but there’d be an awful lot of scientists out of work. You might think I’m being cynical, but I do think that.”

Daltrey goes on to reiterate that so-called ‘Big Pharma’ has more to lose than it does to gain by finding a cure.

“It’s just human nature, isn’t it?", he says. "You’re not going to invent something that’s going to put you out of work.”


Yep talk about a grand Ole boondoggle. I guess as long as the masses fail to realize the scientific community set themselves up as the new priest class, they’ll get away with the hoodwinking and tyranny.

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Well, since A.I.s can be priests now, a lot of them scientistists are about to be out of work anyhow.

“…We could be Priests – just for one day…”


From the alternative medical perspective, there are already cures for cancer. Quite a few, though they are never studied to the extent of the profit-makers.

From the AMA /pharma approach, there are none, with their collective poisons and care contributing billions if not trillions of dollars to their bottom line. I imagine they consistently seek enough results to fuel the engines with hopium.

We are All pre-cancerous. It’s how the body works. Free radicals play an important role in our physiology, though I have forgotten most of this stuff. The difference between health and catastrophic disease in most cases is diet and lifestyle, with sun exposure (and D3) leading the way.

It’s not for nothing that insurance companies discontinued Vitamin D testing from their routine blood testing (except as a paid add-on.) That, my friends, is the profit engine speaking. They want us sick, dumb, or dead.

Edit: If you pay attention to such things, you will find various cancer clinics touting their success rates in treatment. I have no reason to doubt them. Key to these very same companies is their introduction of natural healing methods to go along with their poison.