Keep it together America, Anglo seal and protective tarrifs

I’ve been thinking… there has to be a way of implementing protective tariffs without harming American consumers. I propose an Anglo seal for US, UK, Canada and Australia. Something that you stamp on the product and the consumer knows he is not paying an excess of protective tariffs. You will be promoting re-industrialization and give Mr. Kenny a fighting chance for survival, when buying products.

An advice for Americans, :point_right: keep it together. No matter how crazy it gets 1) don’t balkanize 2) don’t break the country apart. I am not defending the “Once in the Union always in the Union” great abstraction. I am coming from a more pragmatic and empiric point of view. If you want to know how, The United States will look after a breakup, look at Hispanic America. There you will see in full color, the results of an empire broken to pieces. I have lived all my life watching it.

All the drug cartels, corrupt politicians, coups, regime changes, poverty, etc. Including the civil war in Spain, all of it, is the result of the aftermath of the collapse of the Spanish empire. Hispanic American historians compare it to the fall of the Ming empire. When the Ming empire collapsed, a corrupt oligarchy took hold, China became a narco state. People in the Hispanic world have not accepted the situation after the empire. They have not accepted the subsequent failures. So in Spain you have “the empire was exceptional” rhetoric and in Hispanic America everything Spain did was evil incarnate and pure hatred which is nonsense. Spain was the only generating empire of that time, committed errors like any other.

When you get right down to it, the heirs to the empire in Hispanic America and Hispanic Europe, have an inability to accept their situation of subordination. In other words, the subordination that we are under, for them is not the consequence of the balkanization and decomposition of the empire. They put the blame on everything except the obvious, the empire was sunk by some evil actors. That is the story of everybody in the Hispanic world. Every fragmentation of a political entity leads to conflict and impoverishment. It has always been like that across the world.

This is the lesson Americans should learn. I am a supporter of an Hispanic block, I want the Hispanic empire back, at the same time, wish America to do well. There is a saying that marriage fixes everything that politics destroys. I have two Anglo nephews, and extended Anglo family, so I want them to be safe, along with everybody here.