Kozyrev and Time experiments

Comments by Clif on Kozyrev’s time concepts.


This was an interesting article even though I don’t follow what this “time stuff” is supposed to be. The rotating liquid mercury “rings true” of the Nazi Bell experiments with their red mercury counter rotational and electo-gravitational fields that relate to magnetism somehow. Tesla hinted to research in this field of electo-gravitics, but perhaps he did not put such ideas down to paper so much as what he kept in his thoughts. He also criticized modern atomic theory to the point where it would seem the physics of quantum mechanics is a “red herring” to throw researches off the track, perhaps. “Secrets of the Unified Field Theory” by JPF shed some light on this and look deeper into the tensor analysis of Kron.



this article is 8 years old. i just bumped into it. so it seems, that those ‘not Great Pyramid’ pyramids still had some functions to fulfill.


Yes I remember seeing this.

Thanks for the link.

Attached link is a Youtube video that is pretty good with respect to Kozyrev’s bending of time experiments, which were conducted by Kaznacheev and Trofimov in the 90s in a laboratory above the Arctic Circle. Their results are discussed in the book Cosmic Consciousness of Humanity.

The video has an ad in the first five minutes, but after that it is pretty good in detailing their experiments and results.


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