Latest MSN Narrative: The End of Men

The Y Chromosome Is Slowly Vanishing. A New Sex Gene May Be The Future of Men. : ScienceAlert just popped up in my feed.

Oh no, what are we to do? Embrace transhumanism, naturally!


I do wonder after reading so many books on Angels lately, how many of the Fallen are of the female reptile stock of the branch? They seem to went completely apesh*t when there counterparts bread with the human-angelic stock. Genetic tinkering, splicing of the sexes, cloning and on and on it went. Stopping natural procreation seems high on today’s long list of nuttiness!

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well, a repeating theme with UFO interactions is they saying they’re us from the future come back to the past to repair their genes. This seems to fit.


Or they’re gene editing to ensure that we become them in the future. I’m a glass half empty kind of guy.

Whoa I detect a sense of urgency…” a few million years”:joy:.

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The paper linked in the article is even more interesting. We could be the seed race for countless human scions that evolve to not be able to cross fertilize; Human spermatozoa: The future of sex | Nature

That’s just the theosophy stuff. We go back to that trans-humanist alchemical agenda. Its a bunch of silly nonsense.
I remind everyone here that we are vertebrates and our physiology must operate under very tight constraints. In order to achieve what these billionaires secretly dream of I would look more into bio-electricity and its potential applications in regenerative medicine. Perhaps that’s what NeuralLink is ultimately about.

Instead of wishful thinking, the androgyny-immortality peddling billionaires could look into this instead: