Latinization, Vladimir Putin, Ukraine-Russia and Churches closing down in Ukraine?

Make of it what you will.




Yes, that’s the sentiment of many here on forum :wink:

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The same mess that’s practiced in The West, with a few exceptions, is practiced in Russia and it’s territories, which makes them no more ‘Christian’ than anyone else.

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You mean Moscow and Saint Petersburg. The attack against Russia was decided when the soviets realized they can’t change the population deep within the heartland.

The Atheist fake Jews running the soviet esthablishement realized the only “solution” is to get them to fight one another through a political crisis. Diminish their numbers as per Shneerson’s words.

If enough slavs are killed they can move into the new real estate. The game Putin played is to make Moscow out of reach of such designs. They will have to settle for Ukraine only. And no killing of the slavs in the deep heartland.

The entire rape of Russia in the 90s was designed to trigger that. Unfortunatly for them, the powers that be decided otherwise. The Chinese exploited that gap and pivoted Russia to their camp. Mr euro zionist can eat his own liver now at the spectacular backlash he has provoked on himself

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After watching what just happened to Beirut 30% Christian, the Kremlin decision in the 2000s to pivot towards eurasia is being vindicated. The dumb sunni Arabs chose the west, they getting what they deserve. Helping prop up USSA and getting genocide in return. To say nothing of iraqi Christians who got decimated by ISIS.

Yes. There’s the entire Heavenly Jerusalem thread about this very thing.