Let's just call it 1/4 of a trillion dollars ... Hey Big Guy! ... What is 10% of that number?

Boy, with that number Joe and Jill would certainly be given asylum by Winnie in Beijing. We should use the Ukraine funding number (250 B, although we all know that it is in reality a much, much higher figure than that) as the funding level for the illegal task at hand … Hmmmm not sure what to call it. We’ve got to come up with something much less cringy than “Mass Deportation” -
Oh well, our so-called representatives are masters at coming up with benign antiphrasis (e.g. Patriot Act = Anti-Patriot Act - see how it works). I’m sure they will come up with a suitable name. .

Biden doesn’t know ‘the war is over’. Not exactly the ‘sharpest knife in the drawer’. Never was. Never will be…all dementias aside. :wink:

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… it was never about “the war” it was always about the kickbacks. :slight_smile:

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Politicians launch missiles in jest but the poor die in earnest…


… and another 5.9 Billion … and it goes on and on and on … another 10% of 5.9B for the Big Guy …

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Another 8B to Israel another 800 Million to the Big Guy … https://www.axios.com/2025/01/04/biden-arms-deal-israel-8-billion?utm_campaign=editorial&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social

At least he’s tithing…


… Another 50 Mill for the Big Guy! … Biden bangs Americans with Rice Krispies in the Vaseline for the (hopefully) last time. Thank You Sir!, may we have another?

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Trump will fix that but don’t expect repayment for all the previous grifting or any grifters to be held responsible either. He’s of their breed, not ours. I’m still waiting for all his ‘manufacturing jobs’ to return from overseas. Hot air and childish name calling fixes nothing. He’s got his orders, like all the rest, and that’s that.


The Rape of Russia, American style.

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