LIVE at 4pm CT, July 20, 2024: President Trump and JD Vance Hold Major Rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan

I’m posting this early so those who want to watch can plan their day.
The narrative(s) have certainly grown. Seems Crooks is now one of the most dastardly people ever known to exist on planet Earth. :roll_eyes:

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Someone is doing a great job getting us to focus here…not over there. Shutter to think what the Someone is doing behind our backs but in plain sight.

Not that the Trump shooting is not interesting - just saying.


Seems like a movie with mixed reviews that includes many outtakes. Wonder when the sequel is coming out?


As tired as Trump looked at the RNC convention, I would think he is worried about that.

Many greedily awaiting the next attempt. Not just Biden supporters either.

Well at least today’s charade is in a closed area. That should reduce some of the risk and make frisking the “audience” easier. Maybe Vance’s buddy Thiel has deployed his surveillance expertise to assist risk management.

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Seems to have started early. Vance just spoke. Might be just Trump speaking later.
Security concerns?

Whenever these oddly timed assassination attempts arise it is also highly odd, and of course highly suspicious that there are always a huge hoard of Secret Service agents in extremely close proximity to the POTUS. Reminds me of JFK’s motorcade that was ‘festooned’ with SS Agents {Secret Service Agent} hanging around so closely in order to make certain ‘nothing went WRONG with the PLAN’. So, what’s the true story about that ‘magic bullet’.