Look over here, No, wait look over there ... Thank you Sir, may I have yet another

exercise in Tic-Tac Thinking about meaningless possibilities …

How Wormholes Are Secretly Shaping Our Reality.


I just saw this story on my Yahoo feed.
I immediately thought of: mass observer effect experimentations; being given a new narrative.
From my perspective, “They’re” doing mass observer effect experiments…
And they’re working!

But how to explain it?

Tiny dense wormholes…
That’s the ticket!

I was surprised to hear “Pocket Universes” mentioned on Exopolitics because the same thing is described in the last book of the series “Sands of Time”!! So “they” can create these little Pocket Universes to hide in. Gene Decode described it as a “Phil. Exp.” stabilized?!! There is so much going on with these Breakaway Civ’s it is hard to fathom!! :flushed: