Looking for a news article

hi all . hope we all going strong and doing well. Can anyone please tell me

does anyone have the article that was published in July of 2001 in the Pravda Report in which Dr Tatyana Ivanovna Koryagina the Russian economist* who was also an advisor to Mr V Putin was quoted saying that US will most likely have to deal with a terrorist attack in their home soil around september of that year [ 2001] the organisation that is most likely to carry it out has in access more than 300 trillion usd …

i tried looking for it on the internet…

anyone have it???

Not exactly, but…

Thank you kindly, still looking for a more comprehensive article.

Give the wayback machine (it’s a web crawler archive) a try on archive.org

also, I believe JPF referenced her from one of Jim Marrs books on 911

there was a decent reddit poast about - but all the links are no go anymore


here’s the audio interview archive

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