Wise, David and Thomas B. Rose – The Espionage Establishment, New York: Random House, 1967, LC# 67-22644. See especially Chap. IV - The United States.
… an interesting list of conduits for CIA money appears on page 156. -
Kay, Lily E. – The Molecular Vision of Life: Caltech, The Rockefeller Foundation and the Rise of the New Biology, New York: Oxford University Press, 1993, ISBN 0-19-511143-5. Dr. Farrell has referred to this title.
Seznec, Jean – The Survival of The Pagan Gods: The Mythological Tradition and Its Place in Renaissance Humanism and Art, New York: Harper & Brothers, Harper Torchbooks / The Bollingen Library, 1961, (1953 1st. prtg.), over 100 illustrations of pictures in context, nice list of references.
Ong, Walter J. – Ramus, Method, and the Decay of Dialogue, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1958.
– Ramus and the Talon Inventory, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1958.
… the subject of these first two books is the shift from an aural to a visual culture.
– Ramus, Rhetoric and the Pre-Newtonian Mind found in English Institute Essays, 1952, Downer, Alan S. (Ed.) Columbia University Press, 1954 (pp. 138-170).
Harrison, Jane Ellen – Epilegomena to The Study of Greek Religion and Themis: A Study of the Social Origins of Greek Religion, New York: University Books, 1962.
Tsipis, Kosta and Eric Raiten – Antisatellite Weapons: The Present Danger in Technology Review, pp. 54-63, August-September 1984.
Adler, Renata – After the Tall Timber: Collected Nonfiction, New York Review Books, New York, 2015.
Blackstock, Paul W. – The Secret Road to World War II: Soviet Versus Western Intelligence 1921-1939, Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1969.
Moreno, Jonathan D. – Mind Wars: Brain Research and National Defense, Dana Press, New York/Washington, D.C., 2006.
Johnson, Steven G. and John D. Joannopoulos – Photonic Crystals: The Road from Theory to Practice, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
Arrighi, Giovanni - The Long Twentieth Century: Money, Power, and the Origins of our Times,
London: Verso, 2010. -
Varlaki, Peter, Lazlo Nadai, and Jozsef Bokor – Number Archetypes and *“Background” Control Theory Concerning the Fine Structure Constant, in Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2008. (involves the relationship between Pauli and Jung)
Walker, Mack (Ed.) - Plombieres: Secret Diplomacy and the Rebirth of Italy, New York: Oxford University Press, 1968.
Hammond, Albert L. – Ideas About Substance, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1969.
Gulick, Edward Vose – Europe’s Classical Balance of Power: A Case History of the Theory and Practice of one of the Great Concepts of European Statecraft, New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1967.
Kissinger, Henry A. – Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy, Garden City: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1958.
Bartimus, Tad and Scott McCartney – Trinity’s Children: Living Along America’s Nuclear Highway, Albuquerque: University of New Mexico, 1993.
Yunck, John A. – The Lineage of Lady Meed: The Development of Mediaeval Venality Satire, Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1963. This text is a nice complement to Financial Vipers of Venice.