Looks eerily similar to the iconic earth-rise image

I wonder what the odds are that the X-37 spaceplane has been orbiting the moon in the last few years?


Looks like a modified picture of a space shuttle. Show us the real thing Space Force. Is this the old Space Force or Trumpā€™s new one?

ā€¦ also is there a requirement that those servicing the craft be in ultra clean suits? ā€¦ or are they going along for a ride?

You asked a very good question about its mission capability. If it is possible that this craft can orbit the moon then that would answer a question I raised in JPFā€™s recent blog concerning USAirstrip-1ā€™s ability to monitor the Apollo landing sites.

How far out from Earth does the X-37 B have to be to get that shot of the Earth?


looks like it would be a tight squeezeā€¦but maybe, just maybeā€¦after all, " USAF Public Affairs described the photo, taken by an onboard camera designed to monitor the X-37ā€™s ā€œhealth and safety,ā€. Health and safety of a ship or of its occupant?

Is a narrative being prepped? Is a gloriously distracting announcement just over the lunar horizon? Place your bets nowā€¦


ā€¦ always an interesting tidbit or two of information in these kind of pieces.

The Department of the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office ā€¦

The Department of the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office (DAF RCO) has accelerated methods for developing, acquiring and fielding critical combat capabilities . The office preserves the strength of U.S. ingenuity and innovation without the rigidity of traditional acquisition. - So this is a space combat vehicle? "ā€¦ without the rigidity of traditional acquisition ā€¦ " Hmmm ā€¦ seems like another way of saying ā€œBlack Projectā€.

Space RCO is headquartered at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, N.M. Hmmmm. Kirtland AFB ā€¦ Where have I heard that name before? Oh, yeah now I remember ā€¦ Project Beta : The Story of Paul Bennewitz, National Security, and the Creation of a Modern UFO Myth by Greg Bishop.
A very interesting book by the way.

Also of interest might be our friend ā€œformer agentā€ of the FBI, Air Force Office of Special Investigation and Counter Intelligence Walter Bosleyā€™s comment in Mirage Men (a film that suggests there was a conspiracy by the U.S. military to fabricate UFO folklore in order to deflect attention from classified military projects such as the one Bennewitz stumbled into at Kirtland) concerning the treatment of Paul Bennewitz (spoiler alert Bosley approved of the actions of Richard Doty et al. and said that if asked to protect black projects such as the one that Bennewitz had stumbled upon in the manner of Doty that he would do so). It has always struck me as extremely odd that given Daniel Lizstā€™s (Dark Journalist) trumpeting of and continual vehement denouncement of those with such ā€œintelligence connectionsā€ that Bosley appears to get a pass on the ā€œno such thing as former intelligenceā€ critique.


I often wonder if this X-37 space plane was built and has been trying to dock with the ā€œBlack Knightā€ satellite that we still donā€™t understand?

Reality is devolving into nothing more than very obvious theater at the momentā€¦and we accept the words of whatever the actors say, even as we recognize them as nothing but actors. As through great truths will be revealed by those pretending to be gods, simply by their act of pretending. Steven Greer, Richard Doty, Luis Elisando, blah, blah, blahā€¦

But hereā€™s the question for me nowā€¦what do we really know? In the context of the article above, what actually is ā€˜spaceā€™? Itā€™s not the Star Trek void of easily traversed nothingness that eagerly awaits our presence. It is, I suspect, something in and of itself. An ether? A plasma? A substance? A manifold? A friend? A foe?..or maybe all of the above and much, much more.

To paraphrase Raiders of the Lost Ark, in terms of knowledge weā€™re always being led to ā€˜digging in the wrong placeā€™ā€¦and led, as always, by our favorite actors.

The Project Beta book by Greg Bishop is excellent, and a fascinating insight into narrative formation.


Exactly, the only official word on space comes from, mostly government run space programs. Then the speculation begins from there.

Sometimes i think we are just not capable of knowing the real truth, not because we canā€™t handle it, but because we simply donā€™t have the understanding to fully conceive it

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ā€¦ a very interesting line there MaJ. ā€œā€¦ we simply donā€™t have the understanding to fully conceive it.ā€
This quickly raises a couple of interesting questions. What is preventing us from having the ability to understand? ā€¦ and ā€¦ The assumption being that if those in the ā€œspace programsā€ (in this I would include both public and private ā€œspace interestsā€) do have an understanding of the ā€œspace situationā€ then why have they not made an effort to truly enlighten us poor, wretched, unwashed hoi polloi instead of giving us the ā€œspace programā€ equivalent of ā€œbread and circusesā€?

ā€¦ ā€œAlready long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions ā€” everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses.ā€ - Juvenal from Satire 10: 77ā€“81

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Well i canā€™t address what is holding back our minds to fully conceive of the truth, as i simply just donā€™t know myself.

Because, (sarcasm on) me want power and control for all me rich and powerful friends, so we can live the hedonistic lifestyle while the others suffer, (sarcasm off) through what is clearly a spiritual journey of discovery, perhaps preparing our soul for more enlightenment in a higher vibration once we have worked our way through this one.?

At least according to Buddha.

As the good doctor is fond of saying, ratiocination on its own is not enough. What if ā€˜spaceā€™ can only be experienced, at which point it is transformative to the individual such that there is no common reference to communicate with those here on Terra firma. Iā€™m not thinking of those in low earth orbit on whatever space stations there are, but those who actually ventured further, to the moon perhaps. They came back a little different by all accounts.

Space programs both secret and public perhaps donā€™t know themselves yet what ā€˜spaceā€™ is. If individuals are being sent up on the X-37, are we simply experimenting? Have those individuals encountered their dead, as some accounts go? Are we slowly trying to understand what happens to those who return from beyond low earth orbit. And in some sense wouldnā€™t people like Musk and his Space-X be nothing but more theater, misdirecting from discoveries limited to only those who venture out there?

Are we afraid, ala Star Trek and the crossing of the galactic boundary, of returning people to Earth who develop, what to us merely gravity-bound, may be God-like insights?

With the amount of mishaps or planned rocket explosions, throwing clouds of rocket fuel into the air where he launches from. Yeah to my eye the entirety of Elon Musk is theater, heā€™s never doing it himself, there are always teams behind him doing the work. He is the autistic actor front man causing chaos.

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I think certain secret society groups know the truth. Going back to Atlantis. They knew the hidden forces of nature and the geometry of the universe. As above so below.