Originally published at: LOUISIANA NULLFIES THE WEF, WHO, AND UN

On Wednesday last I blogged about a new trend that has emerged in the growing pushback among American states against the agendas and policies of Mr. Globaloney, from what began as a small revolt by the State of Texas against a centralized money monopoly in its state bullion depository, and quickly spread to several states…


It looks very much like two distinction sections of the US are being set up.

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People are finally understanding that what is termed “the national debt” is actually the amount of money owed to the creditors: aka, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. In 1933, in addition to stealing the gold and silver, the 14th amendment (which was never legally ratified) made all the people into slaves - they became the gold that was stolen. They were then redefined as the debtors when, in fact, they were/ARE the creditors. It is a tough concept to wrap your head around because like so many other lies, you have been convinced that you owe “them”.


I love this woaman! She is right on the button, spot on!

Well, force is required to call in the debt.

Not really. What is required is competency. You have to research, study, and recognize the change in definitions over time and how the various agencies were created and how they function. The IRS, for example, is the private, for profit, foreign agency out of Puerto Rico that does the accounting for the US Treasury. You have to understand how to use this agency to correct your account.

This is going to the heart of the matter.

Given your thesis of reality is now available publicly what can an individual do to change course away from the holographic financial machine?

I hear you say, grow your own food,
I hear you say find your tribe and live off grid
I hear you say there is hope if we all put our minds together and pool our strengths

I want to believe others will find this calling resonates but it’s hard to be the person wearing the sandwich board.


Noticing that Texas hasn’t nullified anything.