Lucifer and satan are different entities connected to a pre-adamic battle?

We must think of these characters in the context of The Fall - the War in Heaven. Many traditions use the names interchangeably to represent the Devil. In most traditions, the Devil is disparaged as the true evil, while in many Lucifer is regarded as the Bringer of Light - the model for Prometheus. Steiner for example, though I think Lucifer is less than perfect in his model

Christians are most likely to see the two as interchangeable, while Blavatski’s Theosophy (the foundation stone for the New Age Movement) will hail the Light Bringer. This is a broad and deep rabbit hole, and your question, by itself, has the power to unravel everything you understand about the world you live in. So grab a shovel if you dare, pick a depth, and jump in.

I would suggest this entry point, while others may vehemently disagree (according to doctrine): Think of Lucifer as the grand architect of the rebellion against God. Think of the devil (Satan) as the lord or prince of this world. The two are/were collaborators. This war in heaven led to the ‘fall of man’ according to the Abrahamic religions, with Satan the tempter of Eve. And now you are in the thick of a battle. The rulers of this world support the Light of Lucifer in many guises, including secret societies, and even cripple Christianity with the incursions of gnostic thought and new-age sensibilities.

Have fun.


Many thanks for this, I enjoyed it but can’t find Part 2 anywhere :frowning:

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The wonder and miracle of adding 3 dots to the link,otherwise impossible to copy paste here as an answer.Strange though isn’t it? But tehnomagick always work as usual. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
So there you have it part 2.

Hmm…well this might help clarfying things.Or make them more muddy. :man_shrugging:
Or both!? :man_shrugging:


Same as above same as below, 3 personalities. Which side or personality are you on ( you don’t have to answer) :wink:


A lot of you will know that DJ has done some episodes on Ahriman as well.
Here he sums up Ahriman/ 8th sphere theory pretty well in a few minutes.


In his book, “The Eden Conspiracy”, Anglican Priest, Paul A. Wallis explains how some Church Fathers developed the theology we now espouse by connecting certain passages of Scripture which are, in truth, not really connected. The Bible has become a book that is read in a vacuum as if not related at all to past history. What better way to control a massive group of peoples’ thinking?!! :thinking: We are watching, in real time, how this controlled thinking plays out!!


This book is by a genius name Mauro Buglino, who used to make the literal translation of the bible for the Vatican, and, once reading the literal translation, he learned some astonishing things:

  1. The Old Testamente never mentions “God”
  2. The Old Testament never talks about “Eternity”
  3. The Old Testament is book about Accounting and Contracts, made by some groups of humans with some kind of different entities that are not human, but very physical, and with very human traits, like hatred, lust for muder and rape and love for destruction and pillage.

He has some 8 books exposing what the literal translation of the Old Testament, without any bias, any interpretation and any distortion really says, this is the most simple, and a good start, read everything: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/


I bought his book (Gods of the Bible) for Christmas after listening to this interview … it’s excellent …


I was just thinking and pondering different types of demons and/or angels.
The plasma kind[s] vs an anti-universe “type[s]”.
What brought this on was reading about Nick Land’s anti-human philosophy; leading Siliconites who despise humanity and cheer its demise. Also reading about a debate between Musk and Larry Page “without guardrails”. Musk argued, AI might render human beings irrelevant-or extinct. Pages response was that it didn’t matter, as it was just the next stage of evolution. Then calling Musk a “specist” [meaning he thought too highly of the human race].
So I’m thinking analogue; where there is no this or that, but a multitude of differences; nether simply on/off, nor good/bad.

Thanks for putting it all down in Black & White!! Excellent, g3orges1zsegund0!! :ok_hand:t2:

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I’m going to suggest it’s the sapphire but I can’t really remember either.

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You folks(wolks,pardon my German) just don’t listen don’t you?:thinking:Nevermind read.So…it is not one stone missing from his crown,but 3.Entire row.

So if not reading “The Giza Death Star Destroyed” atleast listen…:smirk:

As for “The Demon in The Ekur…etc”,if not reading it atleast and and also listen…

I will buy it too! To be honest, i´m collecting everything of Mauro Biglino, to make an archive and give to my 3 year son, so that he can have access when he start to think about those things. This guy is a true intellectual hero to me.

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Always a pleasure my friend :heart_eyes:

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I prefer to think of the ‘alien’ influences as spiritual entities. The confusion, IMHO, comes from the evolutionary religious nature of the Old Testament itself. The concepts are lifted from older, non-Semitic origins, whereas the whole of it reads more like a story written for the benefit of one group. And much of that story is about a racial conquest.

Ultimately, I believe the OT is largely mortal scaffolding for the transcendent teaching to come in the New. Again, and IMHO, the OT story emerges from that of ‘the old gods’ - likely the Fallen - and the future may find it necessary to liberate the New from the milestone of the Old. The irreconcilable differences continue to serve as an impediment to greater understanding.

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Listen to this one again…our history makes much more sense.
One can torrent all his interviews that took place on the byte show.

If you read Mario Biglino work, one thing that is interesting, is first, the old testament is a fabrication spanning many centuries, like the Book of Elijah, that was written by at last 3 people, in 300 years, each one making aditions, and modifications to the basic text.

The most surprising thing extracted from his work is that the Old Testament talks about physical beings, that even drink a form of alcohol and like the smell of burning meat because it produces a calming effect on them, like a drug, or an opioid. There is not even the concept of “God”, in Hebrew, what is a shock to know, so the Old testament could never prepare anyone for anything transcendent, because there is nothing in it even remotely related to any kind of transcendent topic, or being.

It tells the tale of very physical beings, and what is more interestig, he tells that all the prophecies of the Old Testament where written AFTER the fact, so they are not really prophecies, wich makes the premise of new testament invalid, because many christians uses the prophecies of the Old Testament, as a proof that Jesus is the Messiah and the expected Son of God.

There a lot of books written showing how the Jesus figure fulfills every single Old Testament prophecy, and they are all based in lies. Biglino shows that both Jewish Rabbinical academia, and Catolic Church academia agree in this aspect, they only don´t tell the masses, because this would destroy their faith, and consequently, the structure of power stabilished that greatly benefits those at the top.

The new testament is as fabrication, built upon lies and false translations of the Old, if you look to it just from an archeological point of view, just with the paper documents, whitout any theological distortion or interpretation, and the work of the different christian sects from the years 0AD to the 400AD, of wich the Catholic Church is just one of many groups organized to profit from the crime.

I´m studying everything that he has produced, i will need to even study italian, since the majority of his books are not in english.

About the alien hypothesis, and the spiritual entities, the hebrew text is very explicity about it´s non spiritual nature. All the terms, when read in the way that the words would originally have, wich was the work that biglino did for 10 years as a translator for the Vatican, are all about very physical events, ad very physical beings, even describing consequences that only physical encounters can provoke.

But as he says, everyone is free to believe in anything that he/she wants, even in with is not objectively writen. So the alien hypothesis would be more in tune with the real text.

This is his opinion on it, not mine.



It’s easy to lose faith in the work if one does not respond to the transcendent. This challenge confronting modern seekers is made more difficult by dogmatic interpretations.

As for aliens, IMO, that rabbit hole doesn’t have a bottom. Elohim /Annunaki, whatever, the mythologies of primitive men re surviving ‘knowledge’ could lead one way or the other - to the ‘men of renown’ or ET … or both. And I say this as someone who believes the universe is rich with life.

The more telling aspect of your text, however, is the perception or discovery of the ‘material’ nature of some of the OT. In that light, much of what is written becomes more an interpretation of power and appeasement than the transcendent. Which is where I’m at at this point. Scaffolding.