Masks of Sir Francis Bacon & Sir Walter Raleigh - Jake Roberts

For those unaware Jake decrypted several messages from the Shakespeare funerary plaque (encrypted by Sir Francis Bacon) as well as other sources.

Some are:

His true parentage. Son of Francis II and Mary Queen of Scots

That he used the name Shakespeare and why.

His “fama fraternity evolved into Freemasonry”

Sir Walter Raleigh is the key to understanding the RC.

He sailed with Sir Francis Drake

Sir Francis Drake considered him his best astronomer.

His best alias is “Samuel de Champlain”

Tiberio Tinelli was an alias of his

The meaning of the “M” hand sign found in paintings of the era. Sometimes referred to as the “Masonic claw” :roll_eyes:

He had his choice of thrones( Scotland and/or England) but “chose to pass on holiday”

He loved seeing his brother on the throne

Sir Francis Bacon and Sir Walter Raleigh were twins

Sir Walter Raleigh lived for a time as Sir Anthony Bacon

There are others