Mass Deportation ... Questions anyone?

… and yet once again to start off the New Year! … I would thank PJB for the NY “Gift of Diversity”, but unless someone has mentioned to him several hundred times that it is a New Year he doesn’t know.

We know what to do with these four - immediately - but we just won’t do it.

But don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll see them again as there is NO such thing as a “real deportation”.

Hey, I have an idea. How about a Debt Clock that shows the Debt incurred as a result of “detaining” illegals?

  • Texans paid $152 million to house illegal criminal aliens for just one year.

Here are a few of the other costs for Texas alone as of March 2021. Homeless problem? What Homeless problem?

  • Texans pay between $579 million and $717 million each year for public hospital districts to provide uncompensated care for illegal aliens.
  • Texans pay between $62 million and $90 million to include illegal aliens in the state Emergency Medicaid program.
  • Texans paid more than $1 million for The Family Violence Program to provide services to illegal aliens for one year.
  • Texans pay between $30 million and $38 million per year on perinatal coverage for illegal aliens through the Children’s Health Insurance Program.
  • Texans pay between $31 million and $63 million to educate unaccompanied alien children each year.

Seriously specifically (what revenue streams are tapped?) from WHERE does this money come?


… at least this one is slightly different

US Border Patrol captures Russian mercenary carrying drone, 2 passports and $4K | Fox News

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… posted previously … just trying to keep all of these wonderful events in one place for the convenience of referral …

… interesting website … as always IF TRUE …

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… shocked, shocked I tell you


… and the lies begin … right on time … sure they are … We all believe you. … Whew, now we don’t have to do anything but sit back, pop up some Orville Redenbacher and watch the show. … 4 or more millions of them will just simply walk back to their ancestral homelands. … Riiiiggghhhttttt … puuh-leeesseee

Hey, here’s an idea … lets encourage the homeless to go along with them. Two birds … you know…

Given how they have left portions of American cities the “path” will probably look like this

If one( and by “one” I( one) mean “I”) is correct, there exists an actual program, whereby an alien asylum-seeker, or similar resident, may apply for a one-time grant/offer( perhaps as much as $20K) , to repatriate . Some , but far from all, of these people have been known to come back.
Perhaps this, NOT new, program is what the MayScreamMedia are hyping. Thus, their lawyers ensure that they are not sue-able( no sueicide today, my lover’s gun away…) .

It’s the usual problem, reaction, solution. If/when the gangs become more violent the people will cry out in fear for their gov’t to save them. Oh but they can’t identify most of them, leading to biometric id’s for everyone. I saw it happen with covid1984 and how willing our freedom loving society got the shot.

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… the Hari Seldon Fallacy may come into play … one can only reduce “chance” so far. There already appears to be quite a bit of governmental Hubris floating around. At last count there were approx. 2 firearms for every adult in the USSA. The people could decide not to make the “save us” call and take it upon themselves to provide for their own safety and security.

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… and they just keep a coming’.

… here is a suggestion … Why don’t we allow it to remain open, put sensors nearby to let us know when the tunnel is being used, then … well you know. Not as crazy an idea as Operation Northwoods.
I’m not sure why it seems that we can’t find all those crossing the border. A member of my family was involved in Operation Igloo White in Vietnam. Based on the stories I was told we had some incredible sensing devices in the late 1960s. Surely, with today’s technology there should be no way that anyone could get through. Maybe move some of the equipment from Area 51 to the border. It really isn’t that far from Nevada.

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Not deliberately trying to hijack the thread but,

Speaking of Vietnam… a very close friend of mine, who was a veteran of that war, relayed to me
many of his personal experiences over the years. He was prone neither to exaggeration nor
embellishment and was a genuine, savvy, resourceful fellow. Originally an infantry gunner,
his talents were soon noticed and he was put in charge of the trading of supplies between the
four branches. Being charismatic and a natural “salesman” he was quite good at this job and
was soon so indispensable that he could commandeer the seat of almost anyone on any given
flight in order to facilitate these large transactions. We enjoyed many an afternoon discussing
these experiences.

Of the many stories a few that are vaguely relevant here… The first was that he mentioned on
many occasions that the “weather control stations” were much more closely guarded than would be the nuclear facilities, etc. Not having an understanding of what they would be and why
they’d be used (this was in the 90’s before this kind of thing was cool) I’d assume now that they’d be utilized to mitigate the effectiveness of tunnel-rats, etc. Making it more difficult for the Viet Cong to take advantage of playing on their home field. They’ve had and used this tech for a while now.

Additionally, he spoke at great length about how the soldiers were paid in “script” which was
a paper currency with an semi-arbitrary time limit. Once the script was changed, it rendered
the previous notes valueless and anything not spent was lost. As one can imagine this led to
some interesting interactions such as the local prostitutes finding that their stash had no value then turned to use it as wallpaper.

This same “system” was used in India not too long ago when they removed their 2000 rupee
note from circulation with a very short turnaround (somewhere around three days) which resulted in a large number of people losing the value of the now-defunct currency as there was
nowhere near enough time for all the bills to be redeemed…by design.
(Digital currency anyone? Bank bail-ins?)

None of this is new and none of it is going to change. While I try not to speak in absolutes, we
have been strategically saturated and the “enemy” is entrenched. It’s mathematics now. Easy
enough to do in your head.

We’re going to have to shake the metaphorical Etch-a-Sketch to make this any better, and as
the OP has pointed out many times… Not enough willing souls.

Uncle Sam does not want YOU…

Two options: Put them against the wall…or a steady decrease in liberty and living standards for all.

…and now back to respecting this threads borders :slight_smile:

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… Gee, that darn ol’ pesky leak …Walking back the talk … finding a reason to do much less or nothing at all …

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Ding, Ding, Ding!!!

… one more time … just to start things off for The Trump Administration …


Good job guys. Now if Trump will have the ammo contributed to National Guard units. Then make sure they are paid a good wage to guard the borders.


I wonder if those rounds were purchased by Feds during the ammunition shortages that occurred under Obama.


IIRC it was .40 caliber hollow points ostensibly purchased for “target shooting”.

I’d wager they still have caches at strategic points throughout the country. Would be particularly
useful, let’s say, after a critical failure of the infrastructure following any given major catastrophe…

Be a shame to have your invading.guerilla force relying solely on supply lines or airdrops…

In hindsight now it seems like Jade Helm was at least partially training the A.I. to find any
independent runners out there… Has is been 10 years? Wow.


Part of the common misunderstanding of illegal immigration is part of the general misunderstanding of how government financing takes place. Most of us have been confused to believe that our taxes pay for government services. While this is partially true (county property taxes pay for most local govt. services, and gas taxes pay for roads), this is simply not how the federal government works.

This quote is attributed to Col. Edward Mandell House, the minister/confidant to Woodrow Wilson:
"[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a National system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a charge-back for our fiat paper currency.

Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans; and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability.

After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the regstrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud, which we will call "Social Insurance (SSI).

Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur, and in this manner every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption; and we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America."

Its clear from this quote that a completely different method of money is being used to finance the government, one that is based on turning every living man/woman into a “vessel” that can be collateralized. The social security number is the trick that does this. Every birth certificate (“berth certificate”) comes with a CUSIP number, allowing it to be traded on the bond market.
Letting many millions of illegal immigrants come to the US, and be given social security numbers, generates untold billions in credit, allowing for the scam to continue forward.

Even if the illegal immigants are deported (Deportation: Banishment to a foreign country, attended with confiscation of property and deprivation of civil rights. Black’s Law Dictionary 4th Ed.), their SS#s will still remain as collateral in the bond markets, and can continue to be traded. (Even after death, the SS#s are traded for another 33 years)

Misunderstanding the actual methods of money creation obfuscates the actual problem that we have with the “powers that shouldn’t be.” If we can be accurate with the problem, we can create appropriate solutions.


… the problem is that they are here. Lets take care of the actual bodies first. The we can deal with the residue of the “magic”.

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Much of what we are discussing here is true, it’s part and parcel of their Plans. But plans; are always subject to being changed. Let’s look at what can change if more people demand change. I choose to be more positive than many here, and I believe things are going to change. One reason why I am becoming more positive is due to the fact that Trump won the election. J D Vance, and others already chosen to head certain federal agencies or elected to Congress have and will continue to listen to the citizens.

Big changes are coming of course, but American citizens need to keep raising all those important issues. One important tactic I learned from my military service is to keep your focus on the end goal, but be ready to alter any ‘plan’. Change tactics, but not the end goals.

OK, here is a good place to look for change: Trump’s plan for the Panama Canal, make China pay for its maintenance and upkeep since they are the primary users. Panama is also the main corridor for illegal immigrants to cross on their way to our southern border. I betcha Trump is going to re-enforce the border with Mexico, whether they like it or not.

The biggest problem I can see is the out-of-control, and unsustainable Federal Debt. What can be done about it?

Issue more & more Constitutional currency into the U.S, economy for infrastructure;
while less & less of the Federal Reserve PRIVATE Banking cartel currency.

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