Those were my thoughts too when I read 80 people in a plane that size? Must have plenty of 1st class leg room. And the cost of the flight? These are the folks that have solutions to trim the federal budget? Must be doing the confiscated drugs they aim to stop…Walk in, fly back…somebody’s high on something, maybe ego? Found this bit of info…plane was not even at 50% passenger carry load. Supposedly can carry up to 800?
In normal configurations, C-17s can put 54 passengers on seats along its walls and close to 130 more on traditional airline-style seats that are loaded on pallets. But for emergencies — and many tactical missions — C-17 passengers can be loaded more haphazardly, with cargo straps slung across the cargo bay acting as makeshift seatbelts.
Perhaps a commercial flight would require the bureaucratic bidding process, no time for a time delay after four years….