Here’s Nicks vid - i keep passing it around

“Do you really think death frightens me now?”

A good take on Rich Men North of Richmond yyyythats6ys

Reading “Sands of Time” has helped me understand there are more than two “sides” to what we see playing out. If you happen to view us humans as a sort of “cattle”, why wouldn’t “they” just get rid of us so they can have this planet for themselves???

In the end, it seems to come down to the Personal Sovereign Level…that we need to involve ourselves in our Local circumstances. We need to stop expecting “someone else” to step in & right things!! I also liked David Adair’s conclusion…that it’s the 1%ers having a war among themselves. That is another way of looking at it.

Whatever, this same thing has been going on for eons & is nothing new. As long as we allow “them” to enslave us, we will be slaves!! Sad state of affairs!!


I think they need to save some cattle to serve them. That’s probably why they never will totally annihilate us or the land.


When I first came to this forum, I speculated that we ‘cattle’ are likely their experimental group for injections, etc. in order to achieve singularity / immortality. I still believe that. They need us guinea pigs as long as it takes to perfect the formula.


Good Thinking, 99!!! :laughing: I’ve just started on the book series, “Sands of Time” & that seems to agree with what you said…unless YOU are the one who is writing this series!! :rofl: :rofl:

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What’s going on with the kids worldwide (in its many various guises from region to region) is deeply disturbing, especially given that so many people (armies of them) are involved with the various child harvesting and abuse operations worldwide. How has this even become possible? Over the last couple of years, we’ve been reading (with horror) about the topic of adrenochrome…, and also this stuff with the transgendering which is being forced on kids globally – the rampant institutionalized abuse…

That prompted us both to pick up a book that neither of us had ever read, which is “Dracula” by Bram Stoker. We wanted to see if there was any “history” concealed within those “fictional” pages, in which kids were getting kidnapped, bagged and/or accosted by vampires, throughout the pages of that book.

Throughout that book, I had wondered: what is Stoker’s message here? What’s he trying to convey that he can’t say openly? How far back does this go, historically? And, how pertinent his words apply to what’s going on today. Was he talking about the need to nip some then repugnant practice in the bud, before it spreads to where it’s at today?


“For if we fail in this our fight he must surely win: and then where end we?.. But to fail here is not mere life or death. It is that we become as him; that we henceforward become foul things… without heart or conscience, preying on the bodies and the souls of those we love best.” (‘Dracula’) – Bram Stoker


“The vampire live on, and cannot die by mere passing of the time; he can flourish when that he can fatten on the blood of the living. Even more, we have seen amongst us that he can even grow younger; that his vital faculties grow strenuous, and seem as though they refresh themselves when his special pabulum is plenty.” (‘Dracula’) Bram Stoker


A lot of “real” scientists claims we wont see the effect of the vax for 2-3 yrs after taking it, meaning this winter,when the immune system runs low on important vitamins we could have a disaster on our hands.
It would make sense of their attempt at running another run now and blaming the death of the people they know are going to die this winter on a new C-variant.


That seems highly plausible… I also think Dr. Peterson brings up a good point about disease and elections in this short clip… He makes the claim that the higher the prevelance of infectious diseases in an area correlates with a higher probability of political attitudes towards totalitarianism at the local level.

**This video was made before Covid


True…I don’t think they shy away from stacking as many functions as possible.
After all its one of their endgame-hands…they need to win with those or their times up.
I expect nothing but them coming hard on this next chapter.
Ive noticed they are ready to go full “unmasking” if thats what it takes, even tho that would mean everyone and their grandmother will see who they are and what they are up to.
Have a nice day


Agreed! OIP


There is no variant and there are very few truly infectious diseases. They will use a “variant psy-op” to get the sheep back into the clinics for more poison. My understanding is that there is already a resurgence in mask wearing but it almost is a brand for those who have fallen for the lie and will likely go down with their previous jabs. People get sick in winter, snotty nose, fever, etc. because they are DETOXING. That is your body’s natural way of trying to get rid of all the poisons they have sprinkled over us from above and in your food. When your vitamin D levels are lowest, your body is in the greatest need to detox, which is why GROUPS of people get sick- not from sneezing or infection, but from the reduced vitamin levels.

It is so frustrating that the lies have been so complete, the de-education of the population about health, and the lure of modern “convenience” (including this damn laptop connected via wi-fi), it is essential that groups like this one stay focused on searching for truth. I have always felt that I was here for a reason, to survive this chaos, and help rebuild a future.

Meanwhile, no rain here so hay has gotten very expensive. I understand that Alberta is even worse- a round bale here costs $130-200 while in Canada up to $450. How do you feed your herd of cattle for the winter at that cost? That seems to be the plan.


Seeing more and more masks at local grocery store. Local paper warning others about rise in cases and to get their shots.


IMO mask people are signaling to TPTB that they will comply to what ever is asked of them as long as they can keep their tattooing, food trucks and their craft beer distilleries. “Look at me I’m wearing a mask so don’t kill me”.


If worst comes to worst and their prison society is implemented they will cry themselves to sleep every night regretting they didn’t do anything but comply.


Well, if they wind up in prison in Texas, they will not have air-conditioning and their confines might well exceed 120F. 50 deaths in August and 12 were guards… heat exhaustion. 65% of those incarcerated were for VICTIMLESS crimes.


How can a crime be victimless? The home owner wasn’t home when it was robbed so no one was hurt? The vehicle owner was not in the car when stolen so no one was hurt? While walking someone stops and wants your wallet and puts a gun in your face but does not pull the trigger, then speeds away.
I experienced all three while living in Houston.
Victimless, I think not.
Who knows if anyone was hurt or killed to bring illegal drugs to market for the consumer?


Just repeating the statistics, sir.

Bonnie Straight is in prison because she tried to interfere with child protective services TAKING CHILDREN so they accused her of child trafficking (she and her husband have rescued many children across the country.) She is innocent so there is at least one victimless crime… except SHE is the victim, in jail near Waco. They even withheld water from her so far.

Can’t have these do-gooder Christians cut into the profits.


I was of the mind of those sentenced to prison.
Bonnie’s case is outright fraud and indeed makes her a victim.

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