Originally published at: MAUI'S MISSING CHILDREN...

There is obviously something very wrong with the whole narrative of the fires in Maui, and no, I am not talking about the disgraceful and ridiculous performance of “president” Bai Den Dzhao during his visit to the besieged island. It’s the very fact that the island seems to be under some sort of siege, and…


A disaster declaration three weeks before the lahaina fire (the first time in American history a disaster declaration was issued before the disaster happened,) put in place an emergency procedure to handle the disaster which removed power from elected officials and put land management into the hands of an unelected beurocrat who just so happens to want Lahaina to be a “smart 15 minute city”. Coincidence???

That fits with the fact that the FEMA officials were on another island on a training exercise when the fire occurred. They keep us distracted with the is climate change real debate? Whilst they go straight ahead and implement their agenda, unchallenged.
Child sacrifice to appease their gods whether it’s Molech or Baal or some Local Hawaiian deity, who cares, it’s a burnt offering and befits the crime. This is an ancient evil with ancient practices…
Besides when the police chief who was not only part of an earlier psyop/sacrifice but is also the coroner then yes they will get away with murder. Nick Sorter, investigative journalist, questioned the police chief recently on this question and has now been chased off the island practically, see Steve Bannon’s war room.
Finally, they tell you want they are going to do, recently the Sound of Freedom film was released, which was about child suffering. Is there a connection? Carlos Slim, big backer to the Clintons financed the film.


" , America and its people are none of the deep state’s concern." Wow! That comment should be subject to a “little” unpacking.


Shaping up to be the most heinous act of mass domestic murder in the history of the United States.

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Sequences of this summer.
1." Sound of freedom" is released
2. Trump invates producers of that movie to watch it publicly.
3. 2k children of Maui, disappear after the fires.
4. Pope asks to pray for missing children of Ukraine.

Looks like cretain part of the deep state is desperately trying to conjure a Moloch powers.

Me thinks, that it is really a desperate move on their part, that means they are loosing.


I recently learned there there is an uptick in unattended children being stolen from AI reservations at bus stops, etc


I believe you’re right, these acts are a result of demonic energies that are attempting to summon some incalculable evil to bolster the failing New World Order. It’s hard to comprehend evil of this magnitude for any other reasons.


It’s a paraphrase of something Mike Pence said during his interview with Tucker Carlson. You have to wonder, because Carlson didn’t even mention the covid planscamdemic and Trump’s “lockdown” fiasco during his interview of him…

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The Maui Massacre

This is the only way it should be referred to.

my soul weeps


I saw part of that tucker-pence interview, and when he said that I was literally floored… I said to myself, “did I hear that right? He seems so un-phased by the question. And why isn’t Tucker asking any followup questions.”

If I was a Pence supporter, that statement alone would cause me to withdraw my support immediately… I can appreciate his honesty, I wish they would all come out publicly and admit they don’t care… but wow… just wow.


I don’t understand why anyone would think NWO is failing in any way right now. Thus far, they’ve been wildly successful.

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I disagree. I think they are wildly unsuccessful. And losing ground every day.

They can push forward like a derailed train and still cause huge damage and destructions, but they are not on track anymore. What we see is the damage done by a cornered desperate animal… and it’s going to get worse before it gets better. But they are not winning spiritually, on the ground or even online. the fact that alt news still exists, they can’t take Alex Jones down, they can’t control public opinion about Trump no matter what they do, more and more people reject their Covid fiction, their Ukraine fiction, their news and political fictions… Yes they can commit criminal actions like the Maui Massacre, and may not yet be arrested, but they only fool a few now and that few is dwindling, and will dwindle further as the economies of the West sap and sag and give way. When the last workers lose their jobs to migrants and lose their houses and their children to drugs, they may finally look around enough to understand, and then they won’t even have them.

Oh lol and how could I forget the recent BRICS summit!!! Co-operation between Saudis and Iran?
yes! and when the cabal did nothing but work to make them enemies, Cooperation between China and India mediated by Russia. African states can develop without being constantly raped by the US, British and French now… so many countries throwing off the World Bank debt model!! A gold standard world economy that promotes national curriencies, national identities and national borders??? THIS is definitely them losing losing losing big like quicksand fast…


I think the song Rich Men North of Richmond is a good temperature check in this country… People are getting it… This guy beat out Taylor Swift for the top spot on the Billboard 100 without any radio time, I was impressed.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion (so far) and I hold to mine at this time.
As I’ve said before, people can be wide awake and still lay in bed looking at the ceiling and that’s what’s happening.


I think they could easily kill us all, but that’s not the goal. It will be interesting if they try to bring the mask thing back this Fall because I don’t think they have the power to successfully do it like last time… I am already prepared to leave my job if that is the case. But yes gun for gun we are screwed.


Yeah if they killed everyone off there’d be no entertainment for them.


Here again, the corporations will play the big role. If govt tells the likes of Walmart, Kroger, Home Depot, gas stations, etc. to shut their doors (& they will be compensated for it), they will shut their doors. No gas, no groceries, etc. If there’s nothing in the stores, what will people do? They can wreck the place but it won’t feed them. Will see how this goes but so far, everyones outrage on the internet and singing songs is trivial to these ‘people’.


It is pretty clear that if you don’t have God on your side, however you name him, you lose. The corporation is dependent on slaves and if we refuse to be them, they are dead NOT US.


Corporations, the military and others will do exactly what they’re ordered to do.
We were told there would be tribulation (thlipsis) and that’s what we’re in for, as so many times before.


I love Catherine Fitts’s line… “there are worse things than death”… And I agree with her… We are here as long as we are meant to be and it is not up to me.