Meanwhile back in Clown World .. Australian teachers to adopt a behavioural curriculum

Along with maths… english … bla bla bla … student will now have to sit down and LEARN how to behave … Good luck with that …

Time to get out the ole B F Skinner behavior modification manuals is it?

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“Well, thinking and discourse are the same thing, except that what we call thinking is, precisely, the inward dialogue carried on by the mind with itself without spoken sound.” – Plato from The Sophist

… Self Control and Control of the Self are two different things. …

… given what the Australians appear to be wanting in their students would require some basic reasoning skills, that most of us of a certain age observe frequently as either severely lacking or missing entirely (e.g the ability to make simple inferences - reported in recent research on reasoning), attention spans approximating those of goldfish, increasing numbers of individuals reporting lack of inner dialogue (brought to my attention as observed by BlakeC from one of his recent forays into Psych. Literature) … I could go on …

… As Freefall said, “Good Luck with that.”


Do I hear Ivan Pavlov’s school bells; coming to your “learning”, institutions?
Are the power brokers salivating; “thinking” of new-man school days?

Shouldn’t be too difficult to turn the students in to good little Nazis. Plenty of literature on that accomplishment.
Looks like they’re have way there…

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Agreed, but I’d add a twist: A non-chaotic classroom is a prerequisite for learning basic reasoning skills . . . or anything else of value.

Imposing some basic discipline and inculcating basic civility in human interactions in schools couldn’t hurt. Given the state of Western culture, though, good luck with that too.

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Yep, the “manuals” are out there. Here are two …

… Education for Death: The Making of a Nazi by Gregor Ziemer (1942) and

Pimpf im Dienst: Ein hanbuch fur das Deutsche Jungvolk in der HJ (author unknown) (1934)

*[quote=“Scarmoge, post:7, topic:20574, full:true”]
Yep, the “manuals” are out there. Here are two …

… Education for Death: The Making of a Nazi by Gregor Ziemer (1942) and

Pimpf im Dienst: Ein hanbuch fur das Deutsche Jungvolk in der HJ (author unknown) (1934)

There’s a Good example of propaganda by Walt Disney in a 1943 cartoon of Education for Death in
Funny thing the link has been altered to not allow the cartoon to leave their website.

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… yep, the Disney film was based on the book.

Re “attention spans approximating those of goldfish,” I detect a faint whiff of anti-piscianism here. In my limited experience as a college instructor, I found the attention spans of fish compared quite favorably to those of (to take but one example), “education” majors…


One may joke (or not) about fish attention spans…

Speaking of fish intelligence: What A Fish Knows - Jonathan Balcombe

p. 114 of Balcombe’s book: “…like other animals, fishes are not interested in their test scores. They don’t succeed by robotically adhering to set patterns of living. They evolved to be flexible and curious, to try new angles, to think outside the box (or the tube). Even highly trained fishes will always explore alternatives; it’s a productive way to behave in the real, dynamic world. With the ever-present threats of storms, earthquakes, floods, and, nowadays, human incursions, it pays to be light on one’s fins.”

I wonder if fish education systems (i.e., how fish learn from one another) have elements upon which we humans can reflect, given that our education systems are ridiculous beyond comprehension. There’s maybe even a good reason for the term “fish school”. I mean, seriously: After 13 years in the basic school system, and those who spend 4-8 years in university, what kinds of practical survival skills do most humans have when they exit these systems? Compare that with what a fish learns in a comparatively much shorter time period…

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Squiddy bias? (lol)