I’m a big fan of the science fiction television series Fringe, as most regular readers here know. For those who do not know the show, it revolves around various science fiction themes, including parallel universes collapsing into each other, and things like mind manipulation, “dream connectivity”, and so on. All of this is is tapped…


As they say: be careful what you wish for. To me this attack on human dreams will cause effect that thousands of Christiam missionaries around world can only dream: mass conversions and pious prayerful life. Oh, on one more thing Lucifer blood will boil. :laughing:

Targeted Individuals, enough said.


… Aaahhhh yes, it was just a matter of time. No one is any longer really buying the analog version of The Religion of Spiritualism and PSI Telepathy so what shall we do?
Eureka, we sex it up, you know, make the Seance more than dark rooms with banging tables and floaty things, make it all, you know, SciencyDigitalTechno (SDT), Blind Them With Science - “Good heavens Miss Sakamoto, You’re beautiful”. Lets see you modern Houdinis debunk this set up. You can’t prove that it isn’t True, therefore it is True … just like the Gremlin that really runs my watch who when you take off the back of the watch has the ability to appear as the normal internal workings of the watch. … and as to Dr. Bishop’s experiments we should remember that “brain death” and “physiological death” are two different things. Oh yeah, and that Fringe … Spoiler Alert … shhhhhh … is a TV show … Although there have been a number of studies of EEG activity in the so-called “brain dead” some of which show some pretty interesting and disturbing stuff.

1 Like The Sphere in Las Vegas says it has 4 circles that you can stand inside of and have music beamed to you directly (music that is inaudible to anyone standing even a centimeter outside the circle. I timestamped the video to what I’m talking about. It uses beamform technology explained around the 8:10 mark.


… see The Bone Fone

The Bone Fone was a wearable radio that draped around the user’s neck like a scarf. Bill Hass invented the device and JS&A marketed it in 1979. According to the marketing materials, the Bone Fone resonated sound through the wearer’s bones.

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Beware the middleman.


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I would pose the true dangers behind these simingly disparate mind manipulation technologies; is that, that is core the Huxley’s Brave New World. That is a “new” technology to human freedom[to dream];
would not use punishment but pleasure and concoctions to rule.
It is our uniqueness; that is “their” target.
“They” seek standardisation.
Science reduced and deprived phenomena of uniqueness through a will to order.
As opposed to their target: free will…


heck go to walmart and buy these

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Here is the compendium of Allen Frey the god father of microwave effects on humans.

The astral realm is not only the place where people go in dreams, also the people that died pass through it or even stay there. The sleeping living participant and the recently deceased corpse of our cheirished Dr. Bishop actually dwell in the same realm, just without their material bodies, just for different reasons. One is still hooked to it, the other not. So maybe the “Pinkos” were up to some necromancy, which I would not put beyond any modern scientist, too.

Uhm… Dr. Walter Bishop is an entirely fictitious character.


Oh, I got that point, but still…the possibility is there ;))) We all know that very strange things are going on everywhere.
And the astral world part also applies to the science you described in your - brilliant as always - post. Everbody that messes with dreams messes with the astral plane and the astral bodies of the participants…

Bonefone 16 Pro is about to get a bit more expensive due to tariffs.

That was talked about in one of Sean D. Morton’s books on the originator of our SSP!!
So much has gone on that we Normies know nothing about!! :astonished:


Ever since the lucid dreaming (what seems to me to be somewhat of a) craze has taken off, I’ve wondered:

What effects can this kind of activity have on memory processes in the brain, given that science, to date, suggests that deep sleep dreaming is important to the laying down of memory?

Mainstream health advocates promote quality deep sleep. The lucid dreaming culture seems to me to be doing the opposite – as I don’t see how anyone can get into a deep sleep state while one is in a semi-conscious mode. I find myself wondering what’s behind and beneath the interest in lucid dreaming, as I’m not (yet) convinced that this craze has anything to do with good health practices.

… individual realities for all perhaps?


Lucid dreaming means you realize that you are in a dream. You have the control over your actions in this dream, so you can correct things to your favor. Like having a nightmare and stand up against the monster and tell it to leave and never come back. Some therapists claim they can induce lucid dreaming and “coach” the dreamer through the situation that is bothering him. I guess this is the most cited benefit in the LD Culture. It can also have a spiritual context, as you are aware that you are in a dream, some asian cultures claim it helps you to achieve the Buddha-State. You see behind the material world and realize that it is a dream, but you are not dead and fully conscious.


Beings and forces could they coexist adjacent to our timeframe as a parallel society in that dreamtime?

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