MH370 Review...Interesting developments. And Dr JPF gets a mention too!


Very interesting, thanks for posting.


Most welcome undine.

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I’ve watched Mr. Forbes on various interviews and I have to admit I find the video and his explanations very intriguing and to a degree even compelling. It makes me think my original :“it just went poof” may finally have a bit of corroboration from another quarter.


One wonders if some presidential magot knows and therefore can’t wait to start WW3 to play with dark techno magic to subdue whomever they see fit which is propably the whole planet!

This spiritual and accordingly new physics war can’t be defeated without Divine help! I find it hard to stay grounded in reality due to the consequences, on the other hand I work very hard to stay grounded if this contradiction makes any sense.


Agreed. I was skeptical when the initial video released- just another psyop to mess with curious heads. But this latest offering from AF appears to have further forensic and technical treatment. The circumstantial evidence has built further as well, triangulating with the video details. So is this what was meant by “having the ability to send ET home”?

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Its always a good idea to, as St Theresa of Avila suggested, that we enter our internal castle for the silence to meditate on such issues. Whether Catholic (Eastern or Western traditions), Christian or of other faiths or none, this is a useful practice anyhow in my view.


This is a “cracking” interview … Thanks for posting …


Mark I was coming here to post exactly this - down to your headline.

Farrell mentioned at 50:00 but the whole thing is VERY WORTHY OF LISTENING TO. It opens up into explanations surrounding some of the most secretive and possibly ufo/offworld back engineered black project tech possessed. Others mentioned are Flynn and the always malificent Richard Cheney.

I LOVE hearing that our very own beloved vardas3 precog-ed that this was a braggadocio show of force and major middle finger to China (not that i agree with this or anything the Deep State does) and not just a random intel test or operation! JP Farrell wins yet again - we love your leaps to the ends of twigs Dr. F, I believe you and probably this forum is being even MORE very closely monitored since you made that brilliant deduction, and why not, they can learn so much intell just from your musings. Beware the sophisticated concern trolls here- there is more trollage I suspect than genuine commenters unfortunately. And you trolly operators - just realize you are dealing with a community capable of more intuitive leaps and flat out psychic cognizance than you can muster - it takes heart, not money, to make this happen.
But I digress.
I believe this is a very important video on so many levels, and as far as Clayton Morris and the Redacted team, while I do believe Morris is in some ways a limited hangout, it’s one with gusto, with a large does of genuine patriotism behind it, part of (dare I say it) a “white hat” type of faction. No I don’t follow or care about Q-anon, but increasingly it is evident that the Deep State itself is roiled by internecine warfare, the Deep Civil War, and Morris is on the side most civilian readers here would be aligned with. Morris did work with Carlson on Fox and it seems he is the least heralded member of the Carlson-Rogan-Jones-Brand broadcast alliance.


bump bump bumpity 20

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Great video!
Dr. Farrell @ 50:10 clicks in.
Concludes with the darkness associated with this “poof” technology.
Says the truth will blow people’s minds - the lies they’ve been told.
Glad they discussed the dark aspects that some factions are practicing.
Those, have been around for too long time.
Perhaps some alien races; are fighting the good fight, as well.
Thanks for the video!

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We (my wife and I) just watched this last night and were as gobsmacked as Clayton appeared to be. It is a very good investment of one hour and 19 minutes of your life.

When I viewed his videos the first thing I thought of was the WW11 fighter pilot (on both sides of the conflict) descriptions of the ‘foo-fighters’. Ashton’s research ties in a lot of things that all point to the fact that someone very important did not want that technology to spread beyond where it is seated and contained now. The fact that he corroborates the suspicions of - and attributes - our own Dr. Farrell tells me that yes, he ‘is probably onto something’…

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So did the plane disintegrate or go somewhere?

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he doesn’t know - but 19 phones were still working to a degree quite a few hours after the POOF disappearance…
Some conjectures are that they got the plane to Diego Rivera airport and China took the techies and others were given changes of identities - they may have been in a parallel dimension similar to ours. You have to look around for videos and listen through to find out more but mostly he doesn’t try to do too much conjecture on that aspect as he can’t do much without evidence.


Reminds me of a story by Stephen King, “The Langoliers” when a passengers on a plane experience a dimensional shift and fly into the dark. Very eery.