Michael Flynn prays to SATAN IN CHURCH for god and country

There is lots of narcs lurking around :wink: :grin: especially on YouTube

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Has anyone else read Dr Farrellā€™s study on this?or is the purpose of the forum something else?

Anyway, bye.

Of course weā€™ve read it. What exactly are you trying to find out? Why donā€™t you post a thread specifically on this subject? Bye.

Trying to blame other entities for behavior is utter nonsense, however the idea does give comfort and an excuse and thatā€™s the idea behind ideas.

So you cannot see the underlying question despite your erudite whatevers:
Is Michael Enlil?
Is Flynn in a continuing battle between these two entities?
Is either of them on the side of humanity?

Repeated ad hominem, refusal to concede having misinterpreted my statement about my video, show stubborn ignorance.

Glad to know this is not the right place to expect real discussion.

Thank you, ā€œbeaver.ā€


Youā€™re the one giving up on the conversation, not me.
My question was who is behind the YT channel displaying this video, not agreeing nor disagreeing with video.

Clear as mud.

Notice yet that 2 videos are being discussed?

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Ok, whatever you say. Perhaps I was distracted at the time.

And so what? Isnā€™t there such a thing called religious freedom, that is, free expression of oneā€™s faith in whatever it is? Or not?
May it this help not understanding, but comprehend. :smirk:


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ā€œWhatever. And 20 more whatevers.ā€

It is not I who gave up on any conversation.
Someone who posts so much, with so little inclination to actually share, is certainly a mystery.