Even commander and chief thinks something was afoot in Cali fires.

President-elect Donald Trump decried the neglect that led to the death and destruction wrought by the Los Angeles wildfires, telling Newsmax on Monday it's as if the area was struck by a "nuclear weapon."

— NEWSMAX (@NEWSMAX) January 14, 2025

… wonder what all the footage from all that satellite surveillance would show. I haven’t looked to hard, but haven’t seen any discussion of such. Just wonderin’

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My intuitions leans heavily to this being dark side occultists covering their tracks. Especially the pedo rings.

They didn’t need to burn Hollywood as well as the poor places.

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The old ‘Texas Hailstorm Roof Scam’ has a price. A very large portion of the roofs replaced have just minor cosmetic damage. And the installers cheat the system by using low cost materials and undocumented labor and inflating estimates (many homeowners actually get ‘money back’ in their pocket from the scam…why so many go for it. If they had to pay out of pocket few of these ‘hail damaged’ roofs would get replaced). The insurance companies don’t seem to care…they just up the premiums. Then there’s the waste stream issue…I could go on.

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Yes I noticed after any storm multiple ads show up advertising for home repairs. My roof lost a few shingles earlier this year so I just bought a package of matching shingles at Home Depot and had them replaced. No big deal…or expense. They tried to convince me to replace to whole roof because the repairs would show up in a sky view inspection!
The roof was replaced a year before I purchased the house in 2016, actually received a discount on home insurance because of it.

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“Don’t sweat the petty stuff, and don’t pet the sweaty stuff”

Probably easier to let the dubious roof repairs go in order to keep the customer. Many
roof repairs cost less than a years worth of premiums. Water damage can be much
worse as well. Sort of a silent killer that avoids early detection. I’ve been in that business
before. Sure, you do get some oddball adjusters that nitpick and hence the unscrupulous
roofers with the ball-peen hammers…

Insurance companies are still horrible. The bean counters are much better now and drones
are certainly in play. They’ll get you on the big claims if they lose on the smaller ones.

The house always wins. Unless it’s your house…


Loved your last line!


I do remember some of the John Hutchinson experiments exhibiting electrical arcing across a model metal ship he had placed in some water.

The video of the guy in front of the window still looks like just vegetation on the lines, there are probably lines further back you can’t see in the video. Add on the fact there is probably some sort of polarization on the window or at least light blocking properties engineered into the glass, so people can’t see in at night with his lights on.

I’m also whiling to go further and suggest they laid down some AI generated audio track on top of it.

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Right. My axe to grind with Wheeler is outside of his cultural commentary. I like his stuff on magnetism, it’s really intuitive and easy, but sometimes he goes so far over the top in his critiques of Einstein, Tesla, Dollard, etc. that I see some serious indications of trauma and inflexibility of mind. I met Ken at the 2018 (2019?) energy conference and he is exactly as he seems in his videos. Very genuine. His contributions to popularizing and making the history of certain physics accessible is undeniable and I like him personally. However there is a cult-like aspect to Tesla and Dollard, which adheres rigidly to certain aspects of physics that are quite troubling.

In any case, I have a great series on Physics for self-education written by a gentlemen named Lev Landau, which I use on my colleagues and children. It was recommended to me by a man who literally designed a space plane platform in the 1970’s and was instrumental in engineering black propulsion systems. It’s absolutely worth examining.

I do know Ken lost his wife many years ago and has been waging war since then. My instincts as a physician indicate Wheeler is dealing with some serious PTSD which befuddle his interactions with anyone disagreeing with him. On the other hand, I certainly can attest to the attacks leveled against anyone who runs afoul of the Regime’s public consumption physics.


I know that Walt Thornhill had some opinions that were close to Wheeler, at least with regard to Einstein and gravity. Wallace Thornhill: The Long Path to Understanding Gravity | EU2015 – The Thunderbolts Project™


"former NASA scientist Professor Richard Hoover, D.Sc., h.c., he discusses the accumulated evidence for extraterrestrial microfossils in meteorites since 1961, reanimating dormant microbes from permafrost, and the discovery of biosignature dimethyl sulfide on Mars, asteroids, meteorites, and exoplanets.

Richard Hoover is a former research professor, astrophysicist and astrobiologist at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center from 1966 to 2012. Originally recruited to Wernher von Braun’s team to work on optics for the Saturn V rocket program, he ultimately became the first Director of the Astrobiology Laboratory at Marshall in the wake of NASA’s discovery of possible microfossils in the Allan Hills meteorite that fell to Earth in 1984.

He has eleven patents and in 1992 NASA selected him as their inventor of the year. He led their astrobiology research department on numerous expeditions to Siberia, Austrian Alps, Canada, Iceland, Alaska and Antarctica, searching for and ultimately re-animating dormant microbes previously frozen for millions of years. "


Sometimes, i flip flop on these guys, i think maybe they are the officially sanctioned release of this “beyond Einsteinian Physics?” I.E. here’s all there is to it, look no further?

Many thanks for the suggesting Lev Landau. I’ll be checking him out.

Incidentally, I had digested roughly 30 hours of Wheeler’s content a few years ago. Initially
started following him for his photography and lighting content. Didn’t ever catch his name, just
“tatooed monkey”. Definitely was put off by his heavy criticisms. Enough so that I gave up on
his channel. Agree about his trauma as potential cause for his abrasiveness. In the end found
it hard to weigh the insight I’d gain against the braggadocious attitude and his constant reminder
that he had land with timber for a lifetime and was thus immune to all harm. I’m just not versed
enough in the topic to know if characters like this are genuine or simply an angry vendor from
a pawnshop with delusions of grandeur…

Maybe I’ll give him another chance…

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Yes, “reflexively abrasive” is a perfect way to describe his approach. He suffered from several awkward interactions at the conference, where he misinterpreted basic lines of questioning from the audience as a personal attack. He is a braggart, it is true. Those individuals who have gone through an awakening of sorts and wind up in the domain of aether-alternative physics, or New Age, often present as impulsive covert narcissists. None of that is to say anyone presenting such behavior is bad.

The Phd laden world of officialdom and academia often casts these kinds of people out very early in their lives, leading to fanatical tendencies. Usually, these people have high IQs, are artistically inclined instead of quantitatively inclined, and represent a free-thinking element of society. Having traversed the alternative physics world for over a decade, I’ve run into this repeatedly. Ironically, in my original example of Wheeler’s oddly construed attacks, Langan behaves in precisely the same way.

I know this from direct experience, having been hurled out of officialdom and told it was due to my disobedience, that is, the audacity to write a thesis dismantling a sacred cow in biophysics. Having been raised in an NPD household, with NPD boomer parents and a malignantly narcissistic sibling, and having attempted to reconcile my mental health with my cumulative life experience, I have a good eye for trauma indicators. If you have not yet read my posts on Dollard’s flavor of crazy, please consider.

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Well, a bunch of us here masquerade as experts in weird physics. In fact, in my case, its the reason I hang around. Happy to discuss. The whole NWO order collapse of society thing, is boring anyway.

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Welcome back Dr Farrell! I hope you had an amazing and blessed holiday season. I am about half way through your new book and it is amazing!

Rendela wenzel

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No offense but former member of Never A Space Agency doesn’t mean BLEEP to me at this point. Pants on fire would be my immediate response.

I think you’re combining: Not A Space Agency with Never A Straight Answer.

Easy mistake…


The progression of events since Allen Dulles… following the money.

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Quite reminiscent of the twin towers isn’t it?

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