Originally published at:

Before we get to today’s main blog, and the first blog of 2025, please allow me to say thank you to all of your for your patience and well-wishes during my Christmas-birthday vacation. 2025 is upon us, and sadly we are starting the year off with more tragedy in California, home of the (un)necessary wild…


Blame it on the homeless

Say what you will about Elon, he provided a large number of cyber trucks that actually have battery storage that can charge other vehicles as well as a home (at least enough for you to operate there).

Good to see doc back, alive and well from holiday hibernation.

Watching a lot of coverage of fires on X lately, one thing have stroked me. How comfortable Gruesome/Newsom is during any public appearance during this disaster. Sign of the conscience-less psychopath or somebody placed really high in Deep State hierarchy, or both.


I thought you would find this interesting, Dr. Farrell…

It turns out houses WITHOUT smart meters are still standing…


Good point.
Zero empathy.

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i mostly pooh-poohed the overabundance of conspiracy mongering on the fires (burnt out haha i guess)

but then there was this one tickle that hit a little too close to the bone.

remember that so-called Rothschild that burnt up in a Hollyweird home in Nov?

I mean sure, get enough schizo monkeys on enough typewriters and all but DAMN that’s a little too on the nose for my liking.


“But back to main main point: many of these articles have focused on the withdrawal of many insurers refusing to insure California home owners against the fire danger as being proof of the deliberateness of the action, and that these fires were deliberately set. However, the two - withdrawal of insureres, and deliberately set fires - are not logically related.”

“Fool me once, shame on you but fool me twice…and I’ll cut ya.”

Admittedly, I haven’t read all the articles, and I’d be hesitant to call anyone a true red-blooded
American if they didn’t have at least some deep-seated and well-deserved hate for the insurance companies… However, in all the content that I DID see…the feeling was that the
authors were stacking their theories on to the highest metaphorical brick they could reach.

Are insurance companies a charity? Certainly not. Do they have every right to protect their
profits/stockholders from risk? Absolutely. Were any of the higher-ups at State Farm part of
conspiracy to finagle their way out of policies and California in general? Maybe, but proving
it with anything beyond circumstantial evidence would take a miracle (See PG&E Electric).
I’d wager that policies were put in place to drive them out to the obvious ends, but what do
I know?

What do we know about these “people” in charge? Newsom, Bass, etc? First of all, they are
sociopaths through-and-through, and hiding behind a mouthful of teeth just doesn’t mask the corruption. Stupid…can’t think of a better word. Can’t learn. Same mistakes time after time.
They’re pawns. Someone or some committee makes most of the decisions, OWNS them.

These people are ACTORS, which means they’d have directors, and scripts and probably
even Hegelian dialect coaches :slight_smile: These types of events have happened before and even
recently. Evidence abounds that suggest the powers-that-would-be are pushing through
their plans. Damn the torpedos and three sheets to the Santa Ana winds. They don’t seem
to care who knows it anymore which is quite concerning, at least to me.

Like the Doc mentioned above…it was a combination of things in this case. Maybe those
insurance companies were in-the-know, maybe not. Sauce for the scapegoat as it were
These fires were NO accident. Change my mind…


The only evidence I have personally is my home owners insurance premium was increased 30% this year. I’ve had no claims but I’ve seen several replaced roofs this year in my neighborhood.
There is here in Texas like in California the insurance of last resort for those denied coverage called FAIR, which is a group of major insurance companies banded together that issue policies. Claims are distributed from a pool of funds collected from each company.
Evidently funds for claims are distributed and collected from those who are claim less.
Got us no matter what happens. I’m not required to have insurance since my home is not mortgaged, but still….


“I’m not required to have insurance since my home is not mortgaged, but still….”

Yep, and there’s the rub…There’s a few of us that could slide through and choose not
to get coverage or stash away those same funds in to personal investments or savings.
However, like a page out of “The Corsican Brothers”, what happens to the masses is
directly felt by the rest.

Don’t get me started on my personal experiences with insurance companies. Suffice to
say…once you know, you know.


Too bad I can’t say “ditto” enough times to make it complete the quota. Oh…

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Looks like Tino Struckmann will have few good reports on LA fires in near future. Here is the first one.


As far as this video goes …

The guy is standing in front of a window, outside are power lines running through vegetation. The “Lasers” we are seeing here, are simply electrical discharge arcs off the vegetation as it strikes the line, refracted through the window to look like a laser. If the Government was using any kind of “beam weaponry” to start these fires, it would NOT be visible laser light. It would be a Microwave system.

Is this evidence of microwave template i doubt it, at least for this video.

It’s been pointed out by others in the forum, generally we are excepting many different layers, concurrently running in all operations from here on out, this would include varying different types of Technology and Shenanigans, including all the human operatives running around dumping gas tanks on the road side and lighting neighborhoods on fire. Also, intelligence operatives injected into southern border, or Canadian, either working in league with mayors/governors. Also, clearing evidence of Debauchery and Depravity, including with minors.

Clearing for the Olympics is weird to me, wouldn’t that be in the city of LA rather, i mean none of the events will be in the palisades. Maybe, downhill frisbee toss, err, or is that even an event nowadays? I’m not seeing the angle here, i need some help.

The 15 min city clearing is also odd, as a form of taxation wouldn’t you want a bunch of extremely wealthy living in a small area? Again, wouldn’t this better be accomplished by doing it in LA itself. Now if we are talking, we don’t want a bunch of rich people living up on the pretty hillside by themselves, having to facilitate all that water and electrical infrastructure, just for them. Then yeah i buy into that idea, burn them out and force them down into the city, having recently cut off their fire insurance.

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at the 3:34 and 3:55 marks 3:34 far left screen, bent and twisted steel I Beams, maybe gravity induced, like part of the structure falling twisting it, but …

6:09 the piece of metal in the foreground standing vertically, has a cut out gouge left side near the middle, like its been eaten away and burnt above that mark!

7:29 that car!!! 7:43 and that engine!! right across from perfect house?!!?? no damage??!!??

8:17 twisting and warping metal roof supports, multiple buildings, you can almost visualize the template here, trees fine “up the hill” 50 feet away?!?

8:55 I Beam twisted vertically along the axis twice and cut almost through at the bottom. upper I beam bend sag and twisted.

9:21 twisted I beam in the center

10:26 the “melted cars” one of which has pooled aluminum on the street, directly under the tress, that are still alive!

11:26 the twisted and sagging roof I Beams , they appear to be fairly robust to! 11:46 It’s a Chase bank, those vertical columns are probably re-enforced concrete pillars, which have been bent inward. Like the Template was laid directly inside the bank and only the inside, outside ATM probably still works!

Thanks for posting Tino. Wishing him good luck.


@Stinkhorn … Now THAT’S interesting … Thank for sharing …


I’m conflicted about Wheeler. While his work has merit, his critique of Langan’s CTMU papers were slanderous and juvenile. His reliance on Eastern-influenced metaphysics and impersonal transcendence, though elegant in parts, undermines his credibility when he heaps criticism on others.

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Far out. I love the perspective on Wheeler. I did everything I could to avoid physics but when I taught 8th grade science, I realized I couldn’t really teach many subjects in general science without it. I did a self-taught crash course in it and have been lucky enough to grow up with parents from the Depression, so I learned a great deal of these subjects without really knowing THAT is what we were learning. Hands on stuff.

But then, my grandfather graduated from U. Michigan (on scholarship) in Physics, 1901… AND went to the Chicago Worlds Fair when he was “high school aged”, no doubt why he went to UM in Physics. I need the time machine to go back and try to be civil (I was his terrorist right from the beginning) and see if he would talk about the things I want to know now about what he REALLY knew.

Ok, back to the Title of the Thread. I think he makes great points about how 3 separate locations suddenly burst into flames at EXACTLY THE SAME TIME indicating there is a possible explanation for how it initially sparked… look at the one thing they all had in common that COULD start the fire. That aint trees rubbin’ the line at exactly the same instant. Just saying.


Wheeler was explaining how the “spark” that provided the ignition was generated at all three spots. If they all started at the same time, seems there was a system of some sort in place. Makes sense to me. Maybe the overhead wires picked up and were supercharged with the vibrations from India’s Hindu festival celebrations. Millions of people praying to cleanse their sins and end their reincarnation would seem to wreck havoc in the ether.

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I don’t know how many times to type LOL