Just heard from a cousin yesterday who was at Huntsman Medical Cancer Center in Salt Lake City for his third of six treatments for stage four large B Cell Lymphoma. He would not admit to having the Covid shot when asked, but his wife is a home nurse caregiver…so probably did. He had radiation treatment about five years ago for a cancer they said was not curable but could be in remission. He was told this one is curable…per a PET scan he was told the treatment was working. ? I’m hopeful.
It is my belief that many shots were given surreptitiously; whether ask for, or not.
In fact, when expressly asked not to inject; they would do it behind closed doors.
I put nothing past “them”; now or then.
“They” are beyond shameless!
You have to be vigilant: 24/7/365.
Trip wires, all over ai hell!
They can’t be trusted.
Good Luck! Donald Trump!
I believe some places were “bundling” it in with Tetanus shots, etc…