More from Australia

This is somewhere between “Hmmm” and “WTF”. Authorisation to supply or administer a poison vaccine", pdf included:


Australia is stuck in a do-loop of “you just can’t make this stuff up”… Heartbreaking. I LOVE Australia and the people I know there.


I echo that sentiment too Justawhoaman,the more so as an Oz expat looking on from a distance. I have trouble trying to understand just how quickly things in my home country went from where we once were to where the country is now :frowning:


Where I am in Australia, the Territory Government has mandated for ALL workers to get the obccine otherwise NO work… and their employers will be fined $25K. This is in a place where there have been 0 cases in the community and 0 deaths from CV…
This is absolute fascism.
My husband and my son now have to have to continue with their careers, we have no options.
My son is booked in on Friday.
He wants me to take him, but I’m not sure if I can as the rage that is welling inside me at this point will not be suitable in such an environment.
I am a Mother and a housewife, a job and career I love so no one can mandate me… yet.
this is the snip of the article my Husbands employer sent him yesterday, as a “friendly reminder”… He’s been working there for over 10 years, and is the last one holding out at his place of employment.
There are MANY Territorians holding out… many also protesting today in Darwin City…But alas, also many, and most likey the majority are for the mandates.
God help us.
There is a COUP happening in this country. Now.

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Same here BTD, It’s been a shock how quickly this has rolled out… Like a blitzkrieg in mandates, in psychological warfare and in NLP brainwashing… Mass formation has occurred. It’s scaring me, but I’m holding out. I feel so sad for my country and have never, ever witnessed anything like this public hatred campaign against the non injected, and those who will not comply in my 50+ years of life. Utter group insanity.


Sympathy to you Adrienne…yes, it has been quick, and so damned irrational! I still have a son and a few friends there I communicate with; the friends are feeling the anxiety, seeing what most of us in Gizaworld see, but the complete lack of any empathy or understanding from erstwhile ‘rational’ friends and even family is having a huge cost on my friends. I can say openly that that whole mandate thing is not happening here in the Philippines, and my rationale as to why is based around it being a third world country…there isn’t the money here to provide full vax regime for everyone, so despite it being aired on occasions here - the mandate thing -, it is just impractical. There are still people here fully invested in the ‘narrative’, but I know plenty of others who are not too. I do feel much safer here right now, though like all of us, I can’t speak to the future with any confidence. It’s very hard to understand the why of what is happening in Oz…cops firing rubber bullets ffs??? I do see pockets of opposition, and I’m not talking Clive Palmer or George Christenson, but the total control from media and politicians is just bewidering to me. Stay safe, and stay sane! :slight_smile:


I’m not from Australia but just an observation on some of the comments of how quickly it all seemed to happen, you can be sure evil seeds were planted many years ago and are now sprouting. This should act as a cautionary tale for the rest of us living elsewhere, look closely and stay vigilant.


Everyone’s circumstances are individual so it is hard to make suggestions, but here in Italy and many other countries lots of ways of resistance exist, from simply temporizing by all the ways known to good trade unionists, to inviting, if appropriate, suspension or dismissal and then taking legal action.
Start looking at State enforcers including obedient employers as a foreign occupation force, who can and must be stopped, but with intelligence (such as in Sun Tzu’s The Art of War).
Please consider not taking any toxic sludge to comply with measures that could possibly be rescinded soon. As for younger people who think for whatever reason that they must not lose one minute in “advancing” their educational or job career, encourage them to “look up from the trough” and take a broader view.


Max Igan explains how he got to Mexico…

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