More interesting 'stuff' in our Milky Way

I’m reminded as I read this one of the Australian Aboriginal description of the Milky Way as a serpent. No mention of plasmas here, and the proposed explanations are hardly in the (living) plasma cosmology direction, but the mere discovery of such a structure is worth noting. My speculation is that there will be many more such ‘structures’ found to be part of the living Universe at all scales. :slight_smile:


In keeping with the above post - ‘mysteries of the Universe’ - here is another one that came across my desk today. I’m well aware of many of the ‘refutations’ of Einstein’s theory of relativity, particularly in relation to gravity; I’m not saying I understand them all, having no real scientific background, especially in maths, that would perhaps give me better understanding, but I have looked at stuff that at least questions the reality of time and relativity as per Einstein. That said, there does seem to be a few points of contention in this one - the time one for example (I’m thinking of Dr Farrell’s references to Russian scientist Alexander Kazarov’s work here) - that needs clarification for me. Is time really ‘fixed’ or ‘variable’ (as per Kazarov)? For all the more scientifically literate out there in this community, feel free to ‘set me straight’ here…what in this presentation really rings true? :slight_smile:

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I would suggest the book series, “Sands of Time” as to how “time” can be used, molded, or adapted. In 2009 Dr. Sean D. Morton was given the Journals of a Scientist who had spent 40 years within the Black SSP program.

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