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  1. Cloud, Dana L. – “Socialism of the Mind”: The New Age of Post-Marxism, in Simons, H. W., and M. Billig (Eds.). (1994).

  2. Simons, Herbert W. and Michael Billig (Eds.) - After postmodernism: Reconstructing ideology critique. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc.

  3. Matson, Floyd – The Broken Image, George Braziller, 1964, Chapters 2, 3, 4 – “The Alienated Machine”, “The Manipulated Society” and “An Uncertain Trumpet : The New Physics.”

  4. Goldstein, Leon J. – Historical Knowing, University of Texas Press, 1976. Chapter 5 – “The Narrativist Thesis.”

  5. Van Der Rhoer, Edward - Deadly Magic - Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1978. (about WW II code breaking)

  6. Etzkowitz, Henry – MIT and The Rise of Entrepreneurial Science, 2002, London: Routledge.

  7. Schacht, Halmar H. G. (Diana Pyke, Trans.) – Confessions of “The Old Wizard”, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1956.

  8. Hankinson, R. J. – “Philosophy of Nature” in Hankinson, R.J. (Ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Galen, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.

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#2 sounds like a much-needed antidote to wokery. Couldn’t be more relevant to today, and it was published in 1994!

(What on earth has been going on in academia since I graduated, and how did academics let it happen?!)

From the book’s marketing blurb, for anyone interested:

Is it possible to reflect and criticize in an age when every claim to truth is placed under suspicion? Are social critics contaminated by the same ideological distortions they identify in society? [ROFL!!]

The text reviews different responses to such dilemmas and thus examines ways to reconstruct social theory and critique following the postmodern attack on the traditional foundations of knowledge.