Mummy With Grey Alien like-Face Discovered In Egypt

Mummy With Grey Alien like-Face Discovered In Egypt

​The fact is that the ancient Egyptians, mummifying any deceased, tried to preserve his appearance as much as possible. Moreover, this humanoid is buried with all due honors. Read here:…

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Many down sides to digital media.
One is the ease w/which to fake it.
That is to say; when something truly astonishing happens; it’s easily dismissed as another “digital fake”.
The above is a case in point.
I had just been researching this about the black cubes spotted on the Sun.
A myriad of possibilities.
Yet, at the top of the list were fakes; both in photos and narratives.
That’s how bad the media has gotten. The powers that be knew “they” were going to become “outed”, so they corrupted every source they could get their inhuman hands on.
Hence, the above picture could very well be, one of an Egyptian human media star from the future.
Perhaps, lying in rest is their natural state of affairs? [present participle of liar]


just my thoughts on the ‘subjects’.
source of this video?

Perhaps the introduction of fake news was the fig leaf cover for real disclosure

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fake news is thousand years old at least.
or just remember when first Napoleon’s victory was heralded at the London Exchange … :joy: :rofl: :sunglasses:
Rothschild, who crossed the Channel in the storm with barge previous night with the knowledge, earned a lot that day, after everybody sold to nothingness on the ‘tragedy’…

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@ShadowNet Your mention of a fig leaf reminded me of this toast I heard 30-40 years ago. In today’s world I can understand where you’re coming from. :slightly_smiling_face:

Here’s to Eve the mother of our race who wore her fig leaf in the proper place.
Here’s to Adam the father of us all
Who was Johnny On The Spot when the leaves began to fall.


The world is changing fast that’s for sure, but some things never change. They are in fact immutable. Unless you know your way around the sewers!

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