Musk pledged 45 million a month to Trump Vance ticket

🚨Elon Musk will be donating $45 million per MONTH to a pro-Trump Super PAC


— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) July 16, 2024

Gee, PayPal mafia working on overdrive.
That means that Trump must have made a deal with a fraction within CIA the one that started Thiel and Musk as a money makers for them.
Now, will see on X if Musk algorithms are going to be working in overdrive, also as far as any negative or shady info on Vance.
Musk is making sure that Newsom/Gruesome is left empty handed.
He just announced that he’s moving X and SpaceX headquarters to Austin.
Wow that was quick.


Unless the next attempt is successful, Trump regaining “Presidency” is practically a done deal. Probably doesn’t hurt to support the side that will feed you.


So far J.D. Vance research mostly on X yields:

-first job after Yale was at Sidley Austin LLP in Chicago, that’s the same firm that employed Michelle Obama after her graduation
-currently partner in venture capital firm Revolution LLC whose founder is Steve Case formerly of AOL